Joshua this is incredible! Each time I look at your maps it's really different! I really like your style n this one.
Joshua this is incredible! Each time I look at your maps it's really different! I really like your style n this one.
Wow! I'm overwhelmed with all the comments, thank you everyone.
Thank you Diamond! Wow, you really think so?
What with the desert is iffy to you? I decided that sand whirlpool would help fill some of that empty desert space and the client loved it.
Thanks Arsheesh!
It is commissioned for an RPG, he said he hopes the map will inspire him for some of the names.. They should come eventually.
Thanks a tonne Wired!
Well.. I just looked at my file for the forest shading. This is what the layers looks like.. All of these are overlay layers.
-Grunge (Grunge brush with some foreground/background jitter to add a tiny bit of texture to the forest)
-Cast Shadows (Grunge brush again, the shadows at the base of the forests)
-Shading (Grunge brush, the shading and the lighting)
-Base Shade (Using a round brush to block in the flat darkness in a forest, on this map I have the opacity at 40%)
Yeah, that's what I was thinking for the lakes.
You think so? Well, perhaps I'll try the rhumb lines but it may well be that it will get too cluttered as you said.
Thank you so much Thomrey!
Thanks Snodsy!
Thank you ChickPEa.
Thanks GLS!
Thanks Elterio!
EDIT: Wow... this is a giant post.
And of course, i post right after you did the big answer session.
That is a splendid start Josiah. The colors are really nice.
This will be one to watch. It's already going in a very nice direction.
Artstation - | - Buy Me a Kofi
Artstation - | - Buy Me a Kofi
A wonderful start, indeed. I'll be watching this with interest too.
Actually on second thought, the desert looks okay. I thought it seemed kind of sketchy compared to everything else, but that may just be because it's still in the initial stages. When it's zoomed out the shading really pops, but at normal resolution not so much.
I agree with Wired about the rhumb lines - including them would clutter up the map far too much.
Thanks J. I'm glad you like it.
Well, this will be a not very big answer session.
Thanks Ilanthar.
Yeah, I agree with you with the shadings.. I could do some more precise shading on the desert but I'm not too worried about it.. This will be in a book, taking up two pages. Should be about 25% of original size in the book.
Thanks, you're probably right about the rhumb lines.
Here's a very tiny update, just want to know what you think of these wavelines before I go ahead and painstakingly draw the wavelines for aaall those little islands.
RPG MAP - Copy.jpg
So, what do you think of them?