Very nice map, the name gets me quite inspired!
Another wonderful composition. The perspective is good, the colors are great and so is the shading. Excellent work.
Very nice map, the name gets me quite inspired!
Ok about done, one MAJOR QUESTION - copyright.
I've take a copyrighted idea (story) and used the names and place names and the journey itself. Have I encroached upon a copyright here as a Deviation from a copyrighted material? Like doing a movie based on a book - the movie would have to get rights to make the movie, correct?
I'm not selling this or trying to make a profit, but doing it as a fan, but have I probably crossed a line?? Opinions?
### Latest WIP ###TrollMtn7.jpg
Contact the owner/author and show them your fan designed map, and ask their permission to use it for non-profit use.
Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
DrivethruRPG store
Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations
Surely... if it were to be considered a copyright infringement to draw a map of a story we have read, then none of us should be showing anything here on the Guild, for there isn't a story that hasn't already been told (in one form or other), including the one that I am to tell.
There is a theory that there are only 10 or so original stories in the whole of the world. Don't ask me what they are (though I am sure that a quick search of the internet would provide), but I keep hearing echoes of that popular belief all down the years.
I can't speak for anyone but myself, of course, but when I publish my novels they will all have their own official maps on my website. Still... I would be flattered to discover that someone had drawn their own version - especially someone with your kind of talent..
Its a tribute. That's what it is.
However, there's no accounting for how any individual would react to seeing such a tribute without some kind of prior knowledge that it existed, so I would follow Gamerprinter's advice and at least let the author know.
Free parchments | Free seamless textures | Battle tiles / floor patterns | Room 1024 - textures for CC3 | GUILD CITY INDEX
No one is ever a failure until they give up trying
Thanks for the advise guys, I have tried to contact the artist, I've emailed him twice with no response, the first before I even started. Hopefully either he likes it or nothing at all comes of it, so no worries, appreciated the feedback, just didn't want to go down for doing something I enjoyed.
### Latest WIP ###TrollMtn10.jpg
just updated the forests and huts, almost done.
The amount of really intriguing maps you put out the last months is breathtaking snodsy!I love the overall composition of this piece a lot. The different sites are wonderful to explore and indeed make me want to read the story. The cutaway of the cave is awesome and fits very nicely into the whole. Could say many more things i like about the map, only want to highlight the fading landscape in the background. It gives a lot of depth to it. Great job. The only minor nitpick would be the stroked labels. On a darker background (e.g. in the cave) the stroke looks a bit too fat in my view.
Keep up the great and inspiring work! It's always a pleasure to see new projects of yours.![]()
It's a good question. Though I think even if it was an issue, it would be covered under fair use anyways, even for monetization. (Although it would be a ____ move to monetize it without his knowledge.)