Great work, as usual. I'm with you about the oceans; I like that stippled effect with the coast lines. The mild colours and cartouches are also really good.
Thank you guys!
Ask and you shall receiveUpdated with city icons drawn and labeling started.
Great work, as usual. I'm with you about the oceans; I like that stippled effect with the coast lines. The mild colours and cartouches are also really good.
And very quickly!By - Max -
Ask and you shall receiveI'm wondering what you'll put on the upper right corner... hmmm. Wait! Don't spoil, I prefer to be surprised (and it won't be a long wait, I guess
Looks lovely. I really like this style.
Thank you
Updated with all labels, borders and a few details.
Update : done with the map of Urenia. Time to fill in the upper right space now
This really is beautiful. I'd change the region outline at the top to a different colour though, the green looks a bit like it's indicating a more fertile (i.e. green) strip of land when it's near the coast.
As always a very nice overall design/look.
Mapwise, i am not that fond of this style - rivers are too dominating (look more branch-like than rivers), the mountains are a bit simple and too hill-y for my taste and the tree-symbols (at least at this resolution) are not to my taste.
I'm trapped in Darkness,
Still I reach out for the Stars
I really love this style. And the non map elements are particularly nice. But I find your text placement really bothersome. All of the broken words are kind of jarring.
I really have a soft spot for 1600-1700 maps, and I can see that you (and Sapiento, on this site, I don't know if others have ventured on this terrain) can reproduce them with your own personal style, without loosing a strong tie with Blaeu, Ortelius and other cartographers's style of that era. Congratulations!
Amongst the great features I particularly dig the cartouches, they are really beatiful. You wrote you hand drawn them; may I ask you if you did them with a wacom tablet (or similar) completely free hand or if you used shapes (maybe in illustrator)?
If you don't mind, I also would like to know which fonts you used. Thanks!