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Thread: January Entry: Galerius Hallow

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    Post January Entry: Galerius Hallow

    Here I go! This time around I'll try to improve on the style I developed for Mennin's Hallow and adapt it for a large-format map. This one is set up at 24 X 36" at 300 dpi, leaving me plenty of room to downsample or chop it up if necessary.

    Galerius Hallow is hidden in the forests along the River Galerius, northwest of what remains of the city of Kerus, which fell to the plague fifty years ago. It has a relatively high population of ~350, who are protected behind the confluence of the Galerius river and one of its tributaries, the Frostwater.

    The Galerius runs through a small canyon, which is bridged by a single rope bridge and defended by a palisade. The Frostwater joins it in a small waterfall. It is smaller than the Galerius and thus more vulnerable, so it is defended by a rough stone wall.

    So far I've got the forest and rock textures set up (and hidden by their respective masks), and a little bit of reference. Yes, it's very ugly. Ultimately, this will actually be two maps: the village and the region that contains it, the one below the other. If I fail to do a good job on the village, I can always cut it in half and still have plenty of pixels to print at 150 dpi.
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    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

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