It's a good job you made on harmonizing the linework, Aeshnidae ! And I really love the new water details !
However, I must say your grass is really too blurry for my taste in this version : the previous one maybe needed a little more work, but I have the feeling you lost some authenticity here
(sorry, sorry !!)
Hope you won't mind if I try to give you an advice, but it's something I learned some years ago when I was more in 'real' digital painting (portraits, animals, landscapes, etc.) and I would have loved to learn earlier : gaussian blur and soft brushes are false friends in many situation and should always be used cautiously because they make things always "too perfect to be real", so really artificial (maybe have a look to #9
here). I learned hardly the virtues of a digital painting method called "
blending", which helps to create "alive" textured gradients. And now I just hope you're not hating me