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Thread: Advice to enhance my world

  1. #11
    Guild Journeyer alucard339's Avatar
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    Default A 3D update

    Here is my 3D test version for my gaming world. It's done in photoshop CS2. I've had a hard time with the mountain range cause I want to keep them the way they are to fit the cities at the same place.

    I'm not sure about my choice of color for each country.

    Also, I got a little problem: I wih to take this image back into my cc2 world (see 1st post) to replace the old landmass. I can't import the bmp version of this file in cc2, because it's too big. The only way, is to downsize the file to 25% and drop the resolution down to 72 dpi. But this small version is blury at best.

    Any advice???

    Does cc3 do a better job about import?

    Thanks in advance,
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    Last edited by alucard339; 11-28-2007 at 07:20 AM.

  2. #12
    Guild Adept Valarian's Avatar
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    CC2 or CC3 will only be able to import bitmap files as a background to your map. You should then trace over the features to get them in to CC2 as vector graphics rather than the bitmap image.
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  3. #13
    Guild Journeyer alucard339's Avatar
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    I've add a little correction to my post above.

  4. #14
    Community Leader pyrandon's Avatar
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    (Wish I could help on the tech issue, but just wanted to chime in and say things are progressing nicely here! Keep it up!)
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  5. #15
    Guild Journeyer alucard339's Avatar
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    Post El-Hazard remade

    I've just finish the new look of my world. hope U guys like it.
    I've put back the name and cities, but I must find a way to put good looking forest and river now. Any one got advise?
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    Let my fangs find your neck, during the night, so that I can drink your knowledge ...

    So it could be use here :

  6. #16


    I'm guessing this is a much scaled down version, as the text here is unreadable.

    Also - can you answer a question, what is the red line? I'm thinking an international date line (?!?) and if so is that consistent with the world technology (i.e. communication faster than travel leading to standardized times)

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  7. #17
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Hey this map looks really good. The colors are vibrant and it works well.

    I think that the red line is the wrap point but what I cant figure is that it wraps to the left side with a vertical shift. I can see that continent very top right is almost on the top edge where it has some gap on the left side. Is there an explanation ? Are we looking at it on an angle from the equator perhaps ?

  8. #18
    Guild Journeyer alucard339's Avatar
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    sorry about the red line, I forgot to mention that: it's the end of the world. From the red line to the end of the map, it's a copy of the beginning of my spherical world (It helped during the housing portion of the work).
    I just forgot to erase that part before I post the pic.

    here's the normal one.

    And has for the warp thing about the maps end not at the same place as the beginning (if u fold it), it's because I move Tromek Island closer to the main Island to get a larger printed version.

    Also if U wish to see the readable version of my map, look a the close-up map, cause the real one is 25+ mg big ...

    I still need your input about the way to do all my forests : cc3 classical tree , a layer like bump surface or another technique?

    Also I would like to create farm field (mostly on Tromek).

    Thanks, alu.
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    Let my fangs find your neck, during the night, so that I can drink your knowledge ...

    So it could be use here :

  9. #19
    Guild Journeyer alucard339's Avatar
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    By the way, the green stuff around Dunkarga desert is poisonous sea water.
    Let my fangs find your neck, during the night, so that I can drink your knowledge ...

    So it could be use here :

  10. #20
    Community Leader NeonKnight's Avatar
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    Cool map! Love it very much.

    By the way, anyone else notice his Screen Name is Dracula backwards? What is the significane of the 339?
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