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Thread: I'm playing D&D!

  1. #11
    Guild Journeyer Narc's Avatar
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    Nice (France)


    Good game too !
    Like Ilanthar, i'm still playing rpg 2 to 4 times a month : lately "Chroniques Oubliées" (D&D like), Vampire The Masquerade, Star Wars
    -- Maps and Watercolor --

    In french :
    Mon tipeee : come and support my work : Here I write and I draw the Encyclopedia of Lys : Discover the table rpg Mana Earth

  2. #12
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Eilathen: I've never DMd. But if I learn the mechanics well enough, I'm hoping to build a homebrew campaign. We'll see.

    Wired: I found this group through Facebook, believe it or not. There are several Adventurers' League groups there, in the Bay Area, and I'm sure everywhere else across the globe. I just joined, made a post explaining that I'm a total newbie wanting to get in on the ground floor of a campaign, and BAM, two days later it's on.

    Thanks for the well-wishes, guys! About an hour and a half until D-Day.

  3. #13
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    It was freaking GREAT! Everybody was cool, the DM, while a novice, ran a tight ship, nobody tried to power-play or do anything to make it unenjoyable. Fun was had by all.

  4. #14


    Hehe, I'm happy for you, Diamond ! Even if I never played myself, I have many roleplayers around me and I know they are roleplayers forever, even if they don't play anymore, and would be more than happy to play again !
    You have a lucky group, with a map maker like you on board !

  5. #15


    Glad it went well! I've always had the fortune of playing with people I already knew, so haven't had to worry quite as much as some of the sorts of intra-group drama I've heard about over the years regarding tabletop RP: thus it's good to hear it was smooth sailing for you. How was your impression of 5th edition? Given what I know of 2nd, I imagine 5th must feel very different.

    If you end up putting together a homebrew campaign of your own at some point, don't forget that you can feel free to alter how things work in your setting from how the 'fluff' or 'flavor text' in the rulebooks describe races, classes, magic, monsters, etc. (as the DM in that hypothetical situation you should also feel free to alter the 'crunch' or actual rule mechanics, but having that turn out nicely can take a bit more nuanced understanding of how the system is put together). Given your mapping and world-building bona fides, and given how sometimes new players/DMs can assume the way things are described in the rulebooks are more constraining than they need to be, I thought it might bear mentioning.

  6. #16
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    @Azure - the play was a lot smoother and fun. Much less emphasis on numbers and rules and more on role-playing, so in one word: great.

    And yeah, I hope to play with a group long enough to get the play down, and then start up a home-brew where I'd DM.

  7. #17
    Guild Master Facebook Connected - JO -'s Avatar
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    I'm really happy for you ! I hope you took the role of the mapmaker in the group ?
    So much good memories, I wish I could play again, but I don't think I would find the time...

  8. #18
    Guild Expert Guild Supporter aeshnidae's Avatar
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    Glad it was a great experience! I second the idea of you being a DM; you seem like a natural. I've been DMing for the past year (and rotated DM responsibilities back in the day with AD&D 2nd Ed.) and it's a blast. Thanks for the link to Adventurer's League! My current group has been playing for 2.5 years and I'm not sure everyone will be up for another campaign.

  9. #19
    Guild Member Runninghead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diamond View Post
    You guys! Finally found a group to play D&D with! It'll be my first role-playing in a loooooong time. Can't wait! The action starts tomorrow.

    (I'm kind of squee-ing here...)
    Awesome! Well done you. Never played myself but it’s such a huge sub-culture I kinda feel I’ve always missed out. Let us know how it goes

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  10. #20
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    My staggeringly dumb dwarf fighter did make level 2 (after almost dying twice), and it's off to Storm King's Thunder on the 24th. Woot!!

    ...and I've started seriously working on my Tropan setting/world (which some of you who've been here a while will know that I've redone approximately 6000 times) again, this time with more of a post-apocalypse feel where the bad guys didn't quite win in the last epic war of Good vs. Evil, but they sure left the world a sh!thole for those that came after. Humans, dwarves (beardless and blind in direct sunlight), an aarakocra variant, and tieflings (although I want to call them something else). Italian-esque city-states feuding among the remnants of empires. Poisonous wastelands... "Drink not from the streams that flow from the Black Mountains..."

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