It's really more of a town. Too small to be a city.
But, that's what it was called.
Last week I posted the larger region that this one sits in, the
region of Thylea.
This was done for Arcanum Worlds. Here's the blurb with links and all...
Arcanum Worlds’ new Odyssey of the Dragonlords setting.
Arcanum Worlds is James Ohlen, Jesse Sky, and others who had worked together at Bioware or in the video game industry.
They’ve released a free players guide - here’s what they say about it…
“The Player’s Guide to Odyssey of the Dragonlords is a 28-page booklet that serves as a companion to the Odyssey of the Dragonlords campaign book.
The Player’s Guide provides you with everything you need to create a hero in the forgotten lands of Thylea.”
You can get that at
DriveThruRPG or at
Modiphius, who they’ve partnered with.
I worked with them last year to create 14 maps for this setting and will release more maps as the products they appear in are released.
I had a great time working with them and was happy to work with James on some other projects. I’ll keep you posted.
Ironically, I need coffee again.
Though I don't have to go to the store and buy it this time.
Just a short walk out to the kitchen. Yawns.
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