Hi there!

Can anyone direct me to the rules regarding reproducing maps and sharing them - more specifically, recreating a map published in print digitally from scratch, and then sharing that map freely?

For example, if I took a dungeon map from an old Dungeon magazine adventure, recreated it using CC2, and then shared it at no charge as a VTT map, with correct/appropriate credit for the original source - is that violating copyright laws or other intellectual property laws/rules? Is it "bad form" and/or rude to do so?

I've got several reasons for asking - mostly, if I go to the effort to create a map for my VTT gaming sessions, I'd like to share it, so other people with a copy of the adventure text (which I know is protected from reproductions, thanks) can use the map to run the adventure, as well. Or, maybe somebody likes the map and creates their own adventure using the map. As well, I've got a whole bunch of old maps that I acquired pre-internet (Wyrm Works maps, anyone?) that I'd like to recreate digitally.

Facts, opinions, guidance, and/or directions to resources would be much appreciated!

