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Thread: Circular city wall help?

  1. #11


    You know me...attention span of an ...oh hang on, there's another post I need to reply to!

  2. #12
    Guild Member simpfan1's Avatar
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    thank you for the quick tutorial
    I will try it out :]

  3. #13
    Guild Member simpfan1's Avatar
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    I love these walls!
    Will the shadow be cast over objects in layers underneath?
    Like if I placed a house on a layer below, would the shadow from the wall loom over it?

  4. #14
    Community Leader Facebook Connected tilt's Avatar
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    looming shadow will mostly be handdrawn as photoshop can't calculate in 3D where the shadow goes, but you'll get a semblance if you make the shadow big enough
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  5. #15
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Ascension's Avatar
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    When working 3d in PS and trying to put in shadows they will often overlap...the crenelations will have to have their own shadow separate from the wall shadow otherwise you'll get a wall shadow on the top of the tower. To avoid overlapping ctrl-click one shadow layer and then delete it from another shadow layer.
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  6. #16
    Professional Artist Carnifex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ravells View Post
    Create a new layer, call it 'Crennalations'
    Press F5 to bring out your brush menu and choose a hard square brush. In the brush tip shape menu drag out the spacing to over 100% so you have a gap between the squares. In the shape dynamics section, set Angle Jitter to 'Direction'.
    Now make another circular selection (using the steps used above) so that it lies half way between your walkway and the outer edge of the base.
    Select the 'Paths' menu (it should be to the right of your layers tab, if you cant see it, then click Window/paths)
    At the bottom of the paths menu there should be just one active button (it looks like a circle with a path arcing over it) and click it to make a work path.
    Two buttons to the left of that is another button which looks like an empty circle (stroke path) and click that. Your work path will now be stroked with the brush selection you made earlier.
    You may have to undo and set the brush size and spacing of the crennelations brush to something you prefer. When you're happy delete the work path.
    If your crennalations come over your walkway, then just drag the crennaltion layer below the walkway layer.
    Great ideas! Needed a good way to do crenelations and this really worked. Thx.
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    Last edited by Carnifex; 01-05-2013 at 01:16 PM.

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