For this edition of the challenge, I'm teaming up with Greason Wolfe.
His idea seems a bit daunting to me but I will do my best not to disappoint.

The challenge:

Lair of Tohmet, the Lich Queen (Dungeon)

In life, Tohmet was a Priestess of Death. In Undeath, she has become a Queen of Liches with the goal of becoming a Goddess.
She’s had 1700 years to work towards her goal and created an underground temple-like complex that includes a number of winding passages and chambers populated by various Undead.

Requirements (Mandatory)

  1. 15 to 25 chambers connected by twisting passages in an maze-like fashion.
    They should be spread across at least 2 “levels,” but these levels do NOT have to be directly above or below each other.
  2. Main Temple/Worship chamber. No specific shape or location requirements, but should have a sacrificial altar that vaguely resembles the shape of a 7 pointed star.
    This shape can be stretched to suit your creative tastes.
  3. A private chamber/library for Tohmet. May be connected (secretly or not so secretly) to the main temple and/or secondary temple. This chamber is guarded by a Mummy.
  4. Some walls of the chambers and passages should show signs of having been worked by hand.

Requirements (Optional)

  1. A secondary “Temple” connected by a secret passage to the main temple. Does not have any shape or altar requirements.
  2. Indicate areas where large numbers of Undead might be encountered.
  3. Traps and concealed/secret areas at your discretion.

Style/Perspective - Whatever you are comfortable with
Dungeon “Dressing” - Your discretion
Coloring - Your Discretion
Additional Lore - Your Discretion

Ideas, references

  • Egyptian temple underground
  • Hieroglyph
  • Luxurious but old (1700 years), washed out colors, madness
  • Ancient Egypt with fantasy/sci-fi influences (Vodyani from Endless space) Golden light veins
  • Osiris – god of death and resurrection who rules the underworld and enlivens vegetation, the sun god, and deceased souls
  • Anubis/Anput – The god/goddess of embalming and protector of the dead
  • Probably done in an isometric perspective

Plan of the temple

Sans titre-1.png