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Thread: Ice Tower WIP

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    Post Ice Tower WIP

    Ok, here's some WIP. I haven't posted it before because I've been juggling this stuff between computers, but I've finally got there.

    The first pictures are drafts of a map I posted in the requests forum. I haven't done any more with it because the guy hasn't got back to me yet to say if it was any good to him.

    The first draft looked a bit 'square' and obviously tiled, so I tried to make some of the edges between objects a bit more natural - rounded them off, covered them up with smaller patches and objects, etc.

    The next pictures are of a fantasy castle/tower that I'm intending to floorplan out. It's located in the frozen north. Redrobes kindly created some snow patches for me and I've used them to transform a basic castle into a snow-laden one. I'm quite pleased with the results, but I have a naive beginners eye. I'm sure the experts will see a few potential improvements.

    I particularly like the way the 'blizzard' overlay works, the way the snow seems to 'soften' the picture, and the way the snow patches, when reduced down and pathed, give a trodden trail effect across the larger snow patches. That was an unexpected bonus.

    I still need to get a better effect of snow on the rock the castle is built on. I have some ideas for that, but since my only tools at present are Viewingdale and MS Paint, I'm struggling a bit. There's plenty of time though, I've had this castle in my mind's eye for over twenty years, and never had the skill or software to reproduce it.

    I'm going to search around here a bit for info on something one step but no more above Paint. I really don't have time to learn the likes of PS, Gimp or CC3!

    I'm also doing a Traveller starmap for my upcoming Pocket Empires campaign.
    This is also early WIP.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Mapping a Traveller ATU.

    See my (fantasy-based) apprenticeship blog at:

    Look for Chit Chat, Sandmann's blog. Enjoy.

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