Welcome to Camp Mertherkrown! Located in the scenic forests of the Greenshadow Mountains, Camp Mertherkrown was opened in 1956. Rumor has it that it was built on the site of a horrible massacre of local natives by settlers led by Captain William T. Farrow. Farrow used to be one of our local heroes, till some documents were uncovered that recorded some terribly racist things he said while watching some of his slaves being whipped, and now they don't mention him so much. I'm glad the camp is named after Leopold Mertherkrown, who still has a good reputation. Anyway, there are tales of how the woods hereabouts are haunted by the spirits of Captain Farrow's victims. Never seen any myself, but you'll hear all about it during scary story hour around the campfires.

Camp Mertherkrown is equipped for roughing it in one of our well-tended campsites, as well as a more sheltered experience in our three cabins. There is also a main office, where you should go in case you need help with anything, including medical care from our on-site nurse. Finally, the biggest building of all is our dining hall, also used as an indoor meeting area and projects room. We provide three meals a day there for those who aren't doing campsite cooking. There are also plenty of activies to enjoy. At Camp Mertherkrown, we take pride in offering young people a chance for social development and the learning of practical hands-on skills in the great outdoors, as well as a chance for parents and teens to enjoy some time away from each other.

What's that? Yes, I am aware that some persons think it is clever to refer to the camp as "Camp Murderclown". Especially since that time Steven Atley dressed up as a clown and killed nine campers and two staff before sheriff's deputies gunned him down. And, of course, this slur on the great Mertherkrown camp was only reinforced when Gordon Prinz and then Kelly O'Rourke committed similar killing sprees. But as we all know, bad things come in threes, so we are in the clear now! That's why Camp Mertherkrown is fully booked for the current season...

Camp Murderclown is a board game where one player takes on the role of a murderous clown trying to kill teens who have been sent off to camp by parents who desperately need a couple of weeks free of adolescent attitude. The other player takes on the role of the camp staff and campers, trying to keep them alive and possibly even capture or kill the evil clown. That's the theory, anyway. I'm not actually going to design the game, though I have to think through a few rules to make sense of the board set up.

I am starting with a base of an overhead shot I found on pexels.com, attributed to Kelly Lacy. This has already gone through a bit of GIMP filtering, but that's all. The next step is to carve up the board into spaces, then I'll alter the areas that won't be staying forest. I'll need to create some "game pieces" to arrange around the board to show it in use. Otherwise, I think the final map would just be a bit too static.

### Latest WIP ###
Camp Murderclown.jpg