Well, I ended up writing the “next update” a bit faster than planned. That’s because I finally bothered to learn how to use conjugate plates. Since this can be a useful feature for more complex reconstructions, I feel it’s a sort of necessary addition to the tutorial before it can be considered complete.
So, as we recall from writing that rotation file, all rotations in GPlates are defined as relative to a conjugate plate, which does not necessarily have to be 000 (the planet’s spin axis). Rotations can also be defined relative to other plates. This is especially useful if you want two plates to move as one piece.
Let’s fire up our fictional model and go back to 150 Mya, which is the point when Continents A and B start breaking apart. What if we wanted to model the movements further back in time? In that case, we’d want A and B to “stick together”, and that’s where conjugate plates come in. Let’s say that we want to set up Plate B as conjugated to Plate A. To do that, we need to first find out what is the 150 Mya Euler rotation for Plate B relative to Plate A (not relative to the spin axis). To find that out, we need to temporarily change the Plate ID of the anchored plate. Click Reconstruction->Specify Anchored Plate ID… and a window will pop up. In my case, I’ll pick Plate ID 100 (Plate A) as the anchored plate.
Click OK and you’ll note the continents change location. That’s because Plate 100 is now anchored (stationary) instead of Plate 000 (spin axis). So, the spin axis rotates relative to Plate 100 now instead of the other way around. But we don’t need to worry about that, we’ll change this back later. Right now, we’re interested in finding out the Euler rotation of Plate B (Plate ID 200 in my model) relative to the anchored plate. To do that, click Reconstruction->View Total Reconstruction Poles. Once again, a window will pop up.
As you’ll note, the window has just a single entry, that of Plate 000 relative to Plate 100. That’s because all the other rotations are described relative to Plate 0, so it is the “parent plate” of all the others. Click the arrow next to “Plate ID” in the window to display the rotations of Plate 0’s children:
Now we can read from the Equivalent rotation rel. anchored plate columns what the rotation of B (200) is relative to A (100) at 150 Mya. Open your rotation file. For me, the relevant entries look like this right now:
What we need to do now is to add a step over at 150 Mya from movement relative to Plate 000 to movement relative to 100. So, fill in the coordinates and the angle that we just picked up (remember to change conjugate plate to 100 too!). Mine looks like the following:200 0.0 90.0 0.0 0.0 000 !Plate B
200 150.0 45.8413 100.6152 -20.1685 000 !
200 2000.0 90.0 0.0 0.0 000 !Plate B
Plate ID Time Latitude Longitude Angle Conj. Plate Comment 200 0.0 90.0 0.0 0.0 000 !Plate B 200 150.0 45.8413 100.6152 -20.1685 000 ! 200 150.0 33.62 25.67 -23.77 100 !Step over to follow A 200 250.0 33.62 25.67 -23.77 100 !Detach from A 200 2000.0 90.0 0.0 0.0 000 !Plate B
Note that you need to add two entries. In this case, I’ve specified that B (200) does not move relative to A from 250 to 150 Mya. Now save your rotation file and reload it into GPlates. Returning to our model, first set the "Anchored Plate ID" back to 0. You'll notice that now we can give A any rotation between 150 to 250 Mya, and B will automatically follow its movements! Also, any rotation we give B between 150 to 250 Mya will be defined relative to Plate ID 100 (rather than 000). To see the outlines of both continents while rotating them, check the "Highlight children" box (outlined in red in the following image).
And with this addition, I think I’ve well and truly covered my extant knowledge of GPlates. Feel free to ask questions if something was unclear. Comments and ideas are also welcome. Happy drifting!