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Thread: Rotating equirectangular maps (G'mic script, GIMP and Krita) + Sinusoidal projection

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  1. #1


    I'm having trouble with the message client, it shows zero sent messages. Maybe I don't have sending privs yet?
    So here is my solution to Naeddyr's excellent gmic script:

    Naeddiyr's G'mic plugin is a joy to work with. No more going back and forth with other applications.

    The file downloads just fine. It doesn't run unless the following edits are made.

    ~/.gmic file is ignored by gimp

    In ~/.gmic, Find and Replace all (127 of them)
    #@gui >> #@gimp

    Opening an equirectangular image and applying "Rotate Equirectangular Map" in any or no axis leads to this error window message-
    *** Error in ./rotate_equirectangular_map/*
    *** Unknown filename 'keep[-1]'. *

    In ~/.gmic,
    LINE 122 -- changed "keep[-1]" to "-keep[-1]"
    LINE 197 -- changed "keep[-1]" to "-keep[-1]"

    The lines look like this:

    --- Keep the last (. = [-1] image index) image generated
    +++ -Keep the last (. = [-1] image index) image generated

    That pesky minus sign is missing from the "keep" filename.

    Now it works like a charm.

    Thank you Naeddyr.
    -- Molly J

  2. #2
    Guild Adept Naeddyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MollyJ View Post
    That pesky minus sign is missing from the "keep" filename.

    Now it works like a charm.

    Thank you Naeddyr.
    -- Molly J
    Thanks for the bugfixes! I will check them out later this week and apply them. I haven't been working on this so every single thing I knew about gmic scripting is *poof* gone, just like that, so I'm happy if other people want to join in on the fun.

  3. #3
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    I am not sure about the private message sent items. If you look at your Settings and then General Settings there are some options. One is titled: "Save a copy of sent messages in my Sent Items folder by default" which I thought was On by default so you should get a copy in the sent items.

    Perhaps you have only just broken through the 5 post limit where you get to send PM's. I thought that before this point it would not have allowed you to even send one. But maybe the contact the guild counts as a PM for the purposes of the count.

  4. #4
    Guild Adept Naeddyr's Avatar
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    I can't reproduce any bugs you are experiencing in the script (ie. "it's working on my end"), and when I apply your fixes it breaks on my side, but this kind of big discrepancy is because I'm using an older version of G'Mic-QT for gimp... But I can't even figure out how to update it. It's always the same thing, months away from the "where the f do I put this file???" googling and carousel with the plugin files etc. and I forget everything.

    I think I might be using a version from the Ubuntu repos, because the plugin file is in /usr/lib/, not ~/.config where I'd usually put... But then again, I have the G'Mic download file in my download folder from my previous attempt?? and where the hell does this .so.3 file go???

    I am feeling like I have regressed into a jacquard-hating luddite peasant and want to kind of burn modern society down so that we can do without computers.

    I'll put a link to your post for those who are experiencing problems, and an alternative file. May history condemn those who created programming.

  5. #5


    Thank you for writing the rotator plugin script, it is very convenient to stay in gimp when touching up planet maps.

    I am starting the tutorials for gmic scripting available at,
    Do you have any advice? or maybe links to helpful resources?

    regarding the bug fix:
    I suspect that both gmic and gimp have become less tolerant of sintax variations.
    here are my versions:

    molly@Aspire:~/Desktop$ gimp --version
    GNU Image Manipulation Program version 2.8.22
    molly@Aspire:~/Desktop$ gmic --version
    Version 1.7.9, Copyright (c) 2008-2016, David Tschumperle.


  6. #6

    Default Integration in official G'MIC filters

    Hello Kristian, Molly.J and everyone,

    I'm David Tschumperlé, the main developer of the G'MIC software and I only came across your filters today.
    This is really interesting, and it would be great to add this "Map Projection" category directly to the official G'MIC filters, to avoid an additional setup phase and give everyone easy access to it.

    As I have the impression that this is not a problem for you, I'll try to do it today.
    Please let me know if you have any problems with that!

    If it works as planned, and if you agree, we can advertise these new filters on G'MIC's X and Mastodon accounts.

    For the moment, I have 3 different files for the filter definitions, may I assume Molly's version is the latest one ?

    Thanks again for these wonderful filters!

  7. #7

    Default Integration in official G'MIC filters (continued)

    I've worked this morning on your filter code, to make it a bit shorter / cleaner and to allow the processing of multiple input layers when necessary.
    The filters are now available for all G'MIC users (v.3.3.4+), after pressing the "Filter Update" button.


    If you want me to add credits or put a link to your page, please let me know.
    Your filters are pretty cool, thanks again!

  8. #8
    Guild Artisan Turambar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dtschump View Post
    I've worked this morning on your filter code, to make it a bit shorter / cleaner and to allow the processing of multiple input layers when necessary.
    The filters are now available for all G'MIC users (v.3.3.4+), after pressing the "Filter Update" button.


    If you want me to add credits or put a link to your page, please let me know.
    Your filters are pretty cool, thanks again!
    This is very cool. Is this live on G'MIC now?

  9. #9
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Thanks for coming on to our forum and making these filters available in the G'Mic. Also thanks Naeddyr and to MollyJ for supplying the code, time and energy to make this happen.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Redrobes View Post
    Thanks for coming on to our forum and making these filters available in the G'Mic. Also thanks Naeddyr and to MollyJ for supplying the code, time and energy to make this happen.
    I'm actually a bit sorry to have missed this until now It should have been integrated into G'MIC much earlier!

    Quote Originally Posted by Turambar View Post
    This is very cool. Is this live on G'MIC now?
    Yes, it is. Users of latest stable (or dev) version (i.e 3.3.4 or 3.3.5_pre) will get the new "Map Projection" category with the 14 projection filters inside, just by pressing the "Update Filters" button.
    I will probably add them today on the G'MIC Online web service, as well (

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