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Thread: Lunar Orbit Map of Campaign World

  1. #11
    Guild Novice
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Toronto, Canada


    Thanks for the praise everyone!

    Still not 100% finished, but slowly getting there...

    Quote Originally Posted by Ascension View Post
    So what I'm seeing is an earth-like planet with three moons, one of which has it's own moon as well.
    Ascension no, that's not entirely what I'm trying to show. After reading your post, I can see where the map is not entirely clear as to it's perspective. The map is supposed to be showing a planet with four moons. One moon does in fact have it's own satellite(#4 and #5). Another moon(#3) is in a 'wobbly' polar orbit as opposed to the equatorial orbits of the other moons.

    The nebula is indeed the Orion Nebula (good eye toff!). I really feel that having it as background really evokes the fluff of the world. The planet Kulthea (#1) appears to be venting radiation into space. It's the presence of this radiation that allows the inhabitants of the world to wield magical powers.

    The orbital periods for most of the moons are stated in the campaign worldbook I have. For the others I just googled "orbital period calculator" and just went from there.

    I'm still not sure if I have the pespective between the orbits and the sun aligned sastifactorilly. I'm kinda aiming for a 3D view effect. I think the orbits of moons #2,4,5,6 need to be aligned more towards the plane of the sun, but I think that may make them look like they're plummeting into the sun. The solution may be to remove the sun but I like the asthetic of it being there. Suggestions? The planet shadows I plan on aligning last as that will prove to be the easiest step.

    Again, thanks for the help and praise. Comments, critiscims and suggestions greatly appreciated.

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  2. #12


    Nice! I like the idea of the nebula signifying the magical radiation.

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