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Thread: Maze Map (need some help/ideas)

  1. #11


    I don't think jumping a five foot span is too difficult (in game terms it is a pretty easy target number to beat with the dice)

  2. #12
    Guild Artisan Neyjour's Avatar
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    Okay, then I guess I better remove all the ladders. Darn it! I really liked those. Ah well...

    Thank you!

  3. #13
    Guild Artisan Neyjour's Avatar
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    Here's the latest update, showing the white room this time. Also, a version with the roof.

    At the entrance, I added a couple trees by the snake statue. And a pedestal with a book, which could be the known history and lore of the maze, giving players some insight into what they might expect while adventuring here, or tips/clues as to what lies at the end. could be a communal journal, where previous adventurers have written about their experiences in the maze (if they survived, of course).

    Removed all the ladders, and added some more flowering vines/groundcover, and a fountain in that area. The water in the fountain could possibly have healing properties that cure the poison. Or you may have to do something more specific, like crush the flowers and mix them with water. Again, the parchment hidden under the rock could hold information about that.

    Just above the maze entrance I added a ground hole (and some vines/groundcover). There might be an interesting or useful object hidden down there, or it could be the burrow of some kind of creature.

    Just before you enter the end sections with the wyvern sentinels, I added a couple cellar-like doors that each lead to a small underground room. These could be filled with a variety of different items that may or may not help with your dragon encounter. There could be things like food (that could be used to distract the sentinels), weapons, various magical items, and really off-the-wall items that might seem completely useless. However, if you've previously acquired information about the maze, you might recognize the usefulness of some of these seemingly arbitrary items. And maybe each player can only choose one item, or it could be that only one or two items can be taken from the room, so the players would have to make a group decision about what to choose.

    WIP Maze Map 7 Neyjour.png WIP Maze Map 8 Neyjour.png

    EDIT: I'm thinking of maybe including a small B&W version of the map, with the points of interest numbered, along with a PDF that includes these ideas/suggestions for each of the corresponding numbered areas. I also might include a blank piece of parchment (the one under the rock) that the GM can use to write out whatever information he/she wants it to include, and print it out for the group to read.
    Last edited by Neyjour; 07-19-2016 at 05:44 AM.

  4. #14
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
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    If you like the ladders, then leave them in. In game terms the trees are just as easy to climb, any thief can climb the walls without ladders, and a rope with grappling hook can be thrown up anywhere. You have to have a good reason for the players to stay off the wall such as a low ceiling, or lighting bolts that fire at anyone above the wall level. As mentioned previously there could be sharp objects on the wall that will prevent most characters from walking on it, or the top of the wall can be a razor edge, a character with a high dexterity and hard bottom boots might be able to "walk the edge" but if they slip and fall the blade will cut them in half.

    The map itself is looking great!

  5. #15
    Guild Artisan Neyjour's Avatar
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    Urgh! Okay, putting the ladders back in. LOL!!

    Do you think it's important to visually depict some kind of danger/deterrent on the top of the walls? Or is that something the GM could just tell the players?

    Either way, I'll see if I can come up with an idea to actually show it on the map. Maybe some kind of magical energy barrier...

    Thanks Bogie!

  6. #16
    Guild Artisan Neyjour's Avatar
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    Alrighty...a magical energy barrier, powered by the crystal embedded in the snake statue.

    The energy from each glowing/spark point connects to another, but can't been seen. However, if that invisible "line" is touched, the energy between the two points surges up and jolts the player unconscious, knocks them back, traps them in the barrier while constantly being shocked, etc. Same thing if you touch the statue, only I'd think the consequences of doing that would be even more severe...instant crispy critter? However, it's possible to deactivate the barrier for a short period of time (using the switches on the pedestal); maybe for just 30 seconds, or a minute. Enough time to quickly climb up and over, but not much more than that. But if the players go over into the area with the skeleton or the hidden parchment, one of them would have to remain at the switch to disable it again when their companions are ready to come back over, otherwise they'd all be stuck. Unless they figured out how to make the antidote. In that case, if they did all get stuck in there, they could just walk out and quickly make/take the cure.

    Okay...enough rambling. LOL!! Let me know what you think!

    WIP Maze Map 9 Neyjour.png
    Last edited by Neyjour; 07-19-2016 at 05:45 AM.

  7. #17
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
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    Great Idea.

  8. #18
    Guild Artisan Jacktannery's Avatar
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    Neyjour the closeup looks beautiful. I love the spark points, and your walls look particularly brilliant at this scale. I apologise if my 'brown' comment was rude, but the map really looks much better and less monotonously brown in your closeup post 16. Great job.

  9. #19
    Guild Artisan Neyjour's Avatar
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    Thank you both! At first, I tried to show the energy arcing along the entire wall, but couldn't get the effect I wanted, so I abandoned that idea. Although, I think even if I had been able to, it probably would have looked too busy and distracting (there's a LOT of wall - LOL!), so I tried this instead...something that conveyed the same idea, but was much more subtle. Glad you like it!

    And thanks Jack! The smaller previews do look very monochrome and boring. I'm happy (and relieved) that you think the larger/full-rez ones look better! And glad you like the walls as well! I tried out quite a few different textures before deciding on this one.

    I think the maze itself is pretty much done, but if anyone has any more ideas, please let me know! Working now on finishing up the rooms.
    Last edited by Neyjour; 07-23-2013 at 01:44 PM.

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