looking really good... and nice spot Fransie ... no doubt this is the city of the lion now
This is progressing nicely, more than I can say for my latest one.
My Finished Maps | My Challenge Maps | Still poking around occasionally...
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looking really good... and nice spot Fransie ... no doubt this is the city of the lion now
regs tilt
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I can't look at this map anymore without seeing the lion's head, what has been seen cannot be unseen
Anyway, an update. I've finished putting the base building features inside the city and will now be moving onto detailing it, this is where I'm going to go nuts, I want this city to look like a city, as in busy, crowded but alive. There is a lot of open space right now but that will soon change. And to add to the crowded look, each building will be getting and extra storey.
More to come soon.
People come and people go. I walk amongst them, I see their faces; but none see mine. I pass them in the streets but nary a glance is spared my way, for what interest would they have in a Wanderer? Not of this world... Forever Alone... Forever Wandering... LoneWandererD...
My DeviantART
Finished Maps
RIP Angel "Ingy" Yates - The first inspiration that guided me towards art. You will be missed...
Sorry 'bout that
Nice going. You might want to get some more variation in the buildings, it's rather bland right now. Put some right next to each other, and right up to the roads, instead of leaving a space around them. Space in a city is always at a premium. Check out some older european towns on Google Maps, like this pic from Orleans in France.
If you continue to strive to a result such as this, you will no doubt preserve your insanity
IMO the roofs of the light brown houses look strange like a waffle, too big. Try to scale them down or use another texture. There are so many out there. As Fransie said try to use some size variations. It is possible to a certain degree with this style.
it was very common in cities to use the neighboring wall as your own and just build your house on the existing. That does however pose a slight problem if you work with layers styles as you want your style to fit only one building at a time so you have to leave a least one pixel between buildings
But if you want your city to look busy, medieval city like you'll have to cramp a lot more houses in there... and this is a city in another part of the world (right?) so you don't have to follow the same style from the last one? - so, no neat lines... just throw those buildings in there...
and now I'll have to go update my own city map I think... still needs some hundred buildings before the small ones are done.
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Repeat after me kids, he's gone nuts
I called in the bulldozers and gone are the delicious waffle houses and now they have been replaced with, well, a mess of houses. I've got to work on the colour and patterns more before going on, I'm not a fan of that maroon colour.
People come and people go. I walk amongst them, I see their faces; but none see mine. I pass them in the streets but nary a glance is spared my way, for what interest would they have in a Wanderer? Not of this world... Forever Alone... Forever Wandering... LoneWandererD...
My DeviantART
Finished Maps
RIP Angel "Ingy" Yates - The first inspiration that guided me towards art. You will be missed...
now we're getting somewhere ... it looks a little funny with the houses on top of houses, but I gather you're just gettin started... for an even busier look make the roads smaller and drop the green areas in between the building and make them dirt instead
regs tilt
:: My DnD page Encounter Depot free stuff for your game :: My work page Catapult ::
:: Finished Maps :: Competion maps - The Island of Dr. Rorshach ::
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Works under CC licence unless mentioned otherwise
I rather liked the waffle houses. Maybe bring them back in shanty-town or something
If the radiance of a thousand suns was to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the Mighty One...I am become Death, the Shatterer of worlds.
-J. Robert Oppenheimer (father of the atom bomb) alluding to The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 11, Verse 32)
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You're in a bad situation LWD. Now the houses look crowded, but you have changed the style. If you want to keep the original style, I would try to create irregular shaped houses, not the standard rectangular ones. Take a look at Gandwarf's CD3 cities to see what I mean. It is a lot of work, but with these shapes and a variation of 3 or 4 different roof types and colors it could work. Perhaps it would make sense to create generic clusters to save time.
btw: everytime I look at this city now I see a coughing lion. Thanks Fransie
Last edited by Katto; 06-19-2010 at 04:26 PM.