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Thread: Hello, all.

  1. #11
    Professional Artist Hapimeses's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Cartographist View Post
    Hapimeses - Welcome to the Guild. (This is where I usually offer encouraging words and tell people how great the Guild is, but frankly, I don't think that you need any encouraging words.)

    Most of the inhabitants here are amateurs, although we do have a few professionals hanging around. Encouragement for our lesser cartographers and constructive criticism for all is the order of the day.

    I'm sure that most people who post in this thread are going to gush about your work (I'm really trying my best not to), so get ready. I will say, in all honesty, that I think that your Erengrad map is the best fantasy city map that I've ever seen, hands-down.

    I'll make a request that I think most people would agree with. If you are willing, a tutorial (or several) on how your make your maps would be greatly appreciated.
    Wow. High praise indeed. I'm honoured that you'd think that. The Erengrad map is a favourite of mine, but I really wish I'd been given more time to complete it (and to complete the other maps in the commission); I'm sure there is better maps in me yet.

    As for the general tone and direction of the discussion board, I'd pretty much gathered as much from a quick tour of the place, but thanks for making it nice and clear. I'll endeavour to be on my best behaviour.

    As for a tutorial or two? Really, I wouldn't know where to start. If I have the time, and anyone has anything they want to know, I'm sure I could rustle up something. That said, I'm not sure what people would want.

    Anyone have any suggestions?

  2. #12


    I have to give the same praise for your Erengrad. I can't even imagine the process you would follow to get a coherent layout like that!

    It is absolutely brilliant!

    -Rob A>

  3. #13
    Guild Member rwaluchow's Avatar
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    Your work is absolutely stunning and definitely inspiring to this amateur.


  4. #14
    Professional Artist Hapimeses's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobA View Post
    I have to give the same praise for your Erengrad. I can't even imagine the process you would follow to get a coherent layout like that!

    It is absolutely brilliant!

    -Rob A>
    The process for the entire map? Erk! That'd take a bit to explain. I'm kinda old school: I just draw everything. So, no particular area that you have questions about?

    I'll have a think about what I could do to explain it all in a simple fashion.

    Anyway, thanks for the praise. I'm beginning to really like this site.

  5. #15
    Professional Artist Hapimeses's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rwaluchow View Post
    Your work is absolutely stunning and definitely inspiring to this amateur.

    Thanks for the welcome.

  6. #16
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Yup, no mistake those maps are really awesome. I have a tech question tho. What res do you start with for those maps. The Erengrad looks like it was considerable. I have heard (because I don't know PS very well) that with a lot of layers it eats memory like anything. Do you work on it in sections and paste it back together and fix up or all at once. I take it that theres a lot of layers involved. And do you use PS on a Mac or PC ?

  7. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Hapimeses View Post
    The process for the entire map? Erk! That'd take a bit to explain. I'm kinda old school: I just draw everything. So, no particular area that you have questions about?

    I'll have a think about what I could do to explain it all in a simple fashion.

    Anyway, thanks for the praise. I'm beginning to really like this site.

    OK, how about -
    1) what did you start with? A layout in mind, or did you "grow" the city mentally (i.e. figure how the city grew and the population increased).

    2) do you lay out areas first, or roads, or just start drawing buildings?

    3) did you start as a scanned sketch then ink/colour digitally, or all in the computer?

    (I figure as little sound bites, you might be willing to answer )

    -Rob A>

  8. #18
    Administrator Facebook Connected Robbie's Avatar
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    I think workflow is the biggest question...for a map like that there's gotta be a well defined workflow or it would never come together so well...good job! Its phenominal!
    Fantaseum (

    Robbie Powell - Site Admin

  9. #19
    Professional Artist Hapimeses's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redrobes View Post
    Yup, no mistake those maps are really awesome. I have a tech question tho. What res do you start with for those maps. The Erengrad looks like it was considerable. I have heard (because I don't know PS very well) that with a lot of layers it eats memory like anything. Do you work on it in sections and paste it back together and fix up or all at once. I take it that theres a lot of layers involved. And do you use PS on a Mac or PC ?
    Thanks, I'm glad you like the maps you've seen.

    To answer your questions:

    1) The Erengrad map's original resolution is 3750x2650, designed to be printed at 400dpi.
    2) Yes, there are about a gazillion layers, and it does eat memory up, but my computer can handle it, so don't really have any issues here.
    3) I fix it up all at once.
    4) I use a PC.

    Cool, anything else?

  10. #20
    Professional Artist Hapimeses's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobA View Post
    OK, how about -
    1) what did you start with? A layout in mind, or did you "grow" the city mentally (i.e. figure how the city grew and the population increased).

    2) do you lay out areas first, or roads, or just start drawing buildings?

    3) did you start as a scanned sketch then ink/colour digitally, or all in the computer?

    (I figure as little sound bites, you might be willing to answer )

    -Rob A>
    1) I had a layout in mind when I began. The city was already described, all I had to do was realise the written version. Normally, I'd do things a little differently, but Erengrad is a special case, as large sections of it have just been rebuilt, much of it without any serious planning.

    2) I started with the contours of the land first, marking the high areas and low areas, and marking the coastline and riverbanks. After colouring it all appropriately, I moved on to sketching the locations of each major district, then added the locations of each major landmark. After that, I filled the details in block by block until the map was finished. I then added the key and title box. Basically, I built it from the ground up, if that makes sense?

    3) Although I used to work from drawn sketches, I ditched that some time ago. Now pretty much all my work is 100% digital.

    And, yes, quick soundbites certainly is easy.

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