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Thread: Map of Urstamalga!

  1. #11
    Community Leader pyrandon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elemental_elf View Post
    I don't know how to curve text in CS2... is there a tutorial you could direct me to?
    I don't think you'll need a tutorial. For fancy-schmancy text curves all you need to do is create a path (with the freeform pen tool, for example), then using your text tool, click the path and type: the text will sit on top of your path.

    You could also, for less complicated curves, use the tool within the type tool (it's in the menu at the top-right when you are writing with text): with that you can do banner-type waves, arches, etc.

    I hope that helps!
    Last edited by pyrandon; 04-17-2008 at 11:34 AM.
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  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Midgardsormr View Post
    I do like Monotype Corsiva, and it may work well since it has fewer details. If you want to pick up Bard, it's a freebie:
    Thanks for the link!

    Quote Originally Posted by pyrandon View Post
    I don't think you'll need a tutorial. For fancy-schmancy text curves all you need to do is create a path (with the freeform pen tool, for example), then using your text tool, click the path and type: the text will sit on top of your path.

    You could also, for less complicated curves, use one of the tool within the type tool (it's in the menu at the top when you are writing with text): with that you can do banner-type waves, marches, etc.

    I hope that helps!

    ... That is AMAZING! I had no idea my little photoshop could do that! Thank you!

    ok, I updated the map slightly. The major changes were:
    • Blured and decreased the border size
    • added a few new icons
    • Changed the smaller text to Bard or Monotype Corsiva (still deciding which looks best)
    • used the fancy arch tool to arch a few words (maybe went a little arch-crazy though

    EDIT: I'm going to either rid the map of those boats or change the icon some how... its way too glaring, IMO.
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    Last edited by elemental_elf; 04-13-2008 at 05:19 AM.

  3. #13


    I think I like the Corsiva better. Try changing the color of the boats' sails to a light grey, and apply the texture to them. That should make them merge a little better with the rest of the map. Maybe a slight blur, too.

    Do the ships represent anything in particular? At the moment, they seem to be the only purely decorative objects on your map. They'll probably fit in better if you either make them mean something (major currents, perhaps) or add some more decorative elements elsewhere. Don't go overboard with that, obviously.

    I once heard it said that a piece of design is done when there is nothing else that can be removed without compromising the image or the message.
    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

  4. #14


    Very pretty map. I also like your colour choices.

    My crit would be that I think you could have the land be less influenced by the seas cloud affect. I think it would make the land pop just a bit. The mountains and the text jump out a bit too much. I think all the work is there but you need to work with your layers to blend it to more affect.

    Its really coming along.

    If the boats are on a different layer you can always play with them to make them less jarring.

    Last edited by Sigurd; 04-13-2008 at 08:29 PM.

  5. #15


    Beautiful, but I would suggest one quick change: Invert the curve on the text of the Newland Isles so they follow the line of the islands. Really like the colours.

  6. #16


    Just want to say that I am a fan of your map and look forward to further updates.
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  7. #17
    Community Leader Facebook Connected torstan's Avatar
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    Very pretty! The only comment is that the line width on the cities, castles and ships is very thin compared the line width for the mountains and the text. This jars a little for something that looks hand drawn. I'd be interested to see what it looked like if these were a bit larger - say 50%?

    For the ships I would definitely go larger - maybe even double their current size - and then try to blend the colours into the more desaturated palette you have for the rest of the map.

    Looks great! Looking forward to seeing how it turns out.

  8. #18
    Guild Member aeronox's Avatar
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    elemental elf:

    create a path using the pen tool (make sure its set to Path, not Shape)

    now, using the Text tool, click on the line (it should show a different cursor).

    now type.

    note: this also works for path-shapes (closed polygons) - it types within the region

  9. #19


    First off, I must once again apologize for my long absence. I had another long week, 2 more midterms... Which begs the question, if you have 5 Midterms in a in a single class, are they really midterms?

    At any rate, thank you ALL for your compliments and advice, I really appreciate them all!

    Quote Originally Posted by Midgardsormr View Post
    Do the ships represent anything in particular? At the moment, they seem to be the only purely decorative objects on your map. They'll probably fit in better if you either make them mean something (major currents, perhaps) or add some more decorative elements elsewhere. Don't go overboard with that, obviously.
    Originally they were just for decoration but I have to agree, they need a purpose. So I decided to add major sea trade routes to this update of the map, though I'm unsure if I will keep them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Midgardsormr View Post
    I once heard it said that a piece of design is done when there is nothing else that can be removed without compromising the image or the message.
    Then I am far from finished

    Quote Originally Posted by Sigurd View Post
    Very pretty map. I also like your colour choices.

    My crit would be that I think you could have the land be less influenced by the seas cloud affect. I think it would make the land pop just a bit. The mountains and the text jump out a bit too much. I think all the work is there but you need to work with your layers to blend it to more affect.
    I'll look into changing/modifying this in the next update

    Ok, here's what I updated this time around:
    • I lightened the text to make it 'pop' less
    • I changed the Ship's coloring (though it may still be too bright)
    • I added a light line indicating major sea trade routes
    • I added a whole slew of new towns and capitals

    You may also notice that I added a second map, this one has my first (and VERY amateur) attempt at making rivers. I really have no idea how to make them look good, so ANY and ALL advice on Rivers is oh so appreciated!
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    Last edited by elemental_elf; 04-21-2008 at 03:16 AM.

  10. #20


    Really enjoying seeing this come together.

    I like the trade routes, they seem to make sense of the ships without being obtrusive - I was worried when I read the post that you'd have overdone it but actually it looks good.

    The new towns are great. I have to admit that that whilst trying about a dozen different approaches to town icons for my challenge map this month (from simple dots up to individually drawn towns), I looked at a lot of maps on this site. Looking at yours again now I'm convinced I must have taken a strong inspiration from your original batch of towns, hope you don't mind For my second nation I drew a more European style town icon, which looks like the same direction you've taken with your forts (entirely innocently I assure you), so apologies if you think the whole thing looks a bit fishy.

    Either way, this is coming together nicely, and the new variation in icons really helps to break things up and make it look more like a map and less like a game board, something I'm still struggling with...

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