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Thread: [Region 1][Map 14] The Tawaren Basin

  1. #11


    The Plaguelands Live!!! Echo the brooding, sickly colour scheme. Great work, mid!

  2. #12


    The following missive accompanies an apparently blank sheet of parchment.

    Ven Gedret, pathmage.

    To Councilman Tarresh, Silvervein.

    I regret to inform you that I have fallen ill and shall not return to the Uplands as ordered. My messenger has been given the strongest wards against the plague I could manage; I pray that he remains hale long enough to reach you. Matters in Ascension grow worse, but we have been recently visited by one of the small hillfolk from the Greater Uzuid Range, who claims to be immune to the plague. Indeed, he ministers among the afflicted without care for his own well-being, and he has yet to show any signs of infection. He tells me that there are a few isolated villages where most of the populace shares this immunity.

    With the hope that study of the people of these villages might reveal a treatment, I have used my arts to prepare a map of the lands to the east. The map is hidden within the parchment that accompanies this letter. Another of my guild can draw it forth. I apologize for the inconvenience; I do not wish to place these communities at risk by revealing their locations should the map be mislaid.

    As this is the first map of the region prepared by the Guild of Pathmages, please permit me to make some observations that may inform future activities. East of the Uplands, the land rises to a small ridge before falling into lowlands and eventually a large lake, called Medre by most of the immigrants, which is fed by many rivers that carry snowmelt from both the Uzuid and Halidberg ranges. Lake Medre drains into another lake called the Blackwater. This plain was once densely populated, and there are many ruined cities remaining there. Some are inhabited still, but only a fraction of the population remains.

    In the northeastern corner of the Uplands, there is a high pass through the Halidberg Mountains that leads to another plain infrequently visited by fierce nomads who were accustomed to trade with the communities there. The nomads are aggressive in their suppression of the plague, though, and now meet anyone they meet here with hostility. My sources know little of the lands to the north and east, but it is certain that if any people remain beyond the Blackwater, they are worse off than we. No one has come from that way in a very long time. To the south, the Coriander Coast has been little touched by the disease. The mountains there are very tall, and there is little traffic across them.

    My hopes for a treatment may well be futile, but if there is any volunteer willing to risk all to seek out survivors in the mountains, send them to me swiftly. My strength fails, and I may not survive long enough to provide protection to whomever answers your call.

    May the Blessed Lady keep her eyes upon you,

    Last edited by Midgardsormr; 04-19-2008 at 10:07 PM. Reason: Continuing the narration
    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

  3. #13
    Community Leader Torq's Avatar
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    Cape Town, South Africa


    I love it. The plot really thickens. A covert cross border organisation of magic weilders with their own agenda, cool.

    The internet! It\'ll never catch on.

    Software Used: Terranoise, Wilbur, Terragen, The Gimp, Inkscape, Mojoworld

  4. #14


    It hadn't occured to me to make the pathmages a covert organization, but that's a very good idea. I envision them as being specialists in travel, divination and survival magics, often employed as surveyors, mapmakers and demographers. I chose to invent this particular mage in order to justify the quasi-realistic character of the map. Since it's created by magic, it doesn't need to look hand-drawn, and I can get away with some additional effects as I begin labelling.

    You've probably noticed that the most recent WIP image is much larger than previous images--I enlarged it because the map was feeling a bit cramped. Do ya'll think the quality is still sufficient? I've been looking at it so long that I can't really tell.

    As an aside, my (wife's) brand-new Wacom tablet arrived this week, and I've been having fun playing with it. I don't think I'll be able to get anything whipped up for this month's challenge, but hopefully I can start on a local-scale map for this project. Since my NPC cartographer is living in Ascension, maybe I'll start there.

    I do love how this project is generating world information almost effortlessly. I've even caught myself starting to prep a small campaign based on Ven's letter.
    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

  5. #15
    Community Leader Torq's Avatar
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    Cape Town, South Africa


    I agree completely Mid. I was thinking yesterday of what the pathmages' hq in Arkender would look like. I thought of a ramshackle tower overlooking the docks. I think the maps are the key. As long as the maps keep getting done the ideas will keep flowing for the writing.

    The internet! It\'ll never catch on.

    Software Used: Terranoise, Wilbur, Terragen, The Gimp, Inkscape, Mojoworld

  6. #16


    I've got some icons done. So far, we've got "Hallows," which are the small villages of people apparently immune to the plague, secreted away in hard to reach or easily defended areas. We have major ruins, which may have small populations still but are largely deserted... maybe. And we have a handful of old silver and tin mines. I used alchemical symbols to denote the different kinds of mine.

    ### Latest WIP ###
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    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

  7. #17


    I've done a lot of labeling and dropped more icons. I still need a scale bar and compass rose, and I haven't decided if I want to try to name the mines.

    ### Latest WIP ###
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    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

  8. #18
    Community Leader Torq's Avatar
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    Cape Town, South Africa


    I think the map looks fantastic Mid. I particulalry like the labels. On a dark map like that the white stands out beautifully. The red bar with the key is also really cool.

    The internet! It\'ll never catch on.

    Software Used: Terranoise, Wilbur, Terragen, The Gimp, Inkscape, Mojoworld

  9. #19

  10. #20


    It looks great. I think you should definitely name the mines.

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