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Thread: Napoleonic World

  1. #11


    mm, not sure, does it talk?

  2. #12
    Community Leader jfrazierjr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Badger View Post
    mm, not sure, does it talk?
    Only when I am around and you turn your head or look down for a second.

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  3. #13

  4. #14
    Community Leader RPMiller's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Badger View Post
    Some early 19th century satellite coverage would be awesome for that purpose

    Anyone know of any sources on that info?


    Those scottish ridges are actually an artifact from importing DTM data for europe as the base layer for mountain creation. I had to scale & fit one european map on top of the other, & near the coast of the northern countries that match didn't quite turn out. I have no exp with rubber sheeting in Gimp (don't now if its possible) just used scale layer & moved it around manually to get a 'best fit'. You'll see the same stuff at the northern border of Denmark & the east sea countries. I'll be getting rid of those in a later stage

    As a side note, I believe there is a FT or Wilbur map that has that area already created, and I believe there is a CC2 map that has the British Isles all mapped out. I'm not at home to check, but I'm sure someone else here can check on it and perhaps upload an image.
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  5. #15
    Community Leader Facebook Connected torstan's Avatar
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    Oh, missed the reply earlier. Glad to hear it. I missed it on Denmark because the effect is to make it look flat - which is pretty accurate!

  6. #16



    Cool, i'm lookign forward to those maps, could save me a lot of work

  7. #17


    OK, i've updated the map with forest coverage, based on a 1929 article (best i could find on forest coverage). Any suggestions on the forest are welcome, not really comfortable with it as it is now.

    Also added some extra noise on the mountains as well as the rivers, where i put on an inverse bump map for a depth effect.

    comments plz


  8. #18


    Next update, added deserts & Nation names. I'm using an 18th century font, thats why the s looks weird

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    Last edited by Original_Badger; 07-04-2008 at 06:19 PM.

  9. #19
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Badger's Avatar
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    Egads Badger... you can save yourself alot of space on the post if you add the picture as an attachment... go to advanced, and click the little paperclip at the top (manage attachmnets) ...

    Great progress on the map.. I look forward to seeing it completed
    Have Pen. Will Map.
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  10. #20


    thx, just did that.

    btw what did you mean by 'egads'?


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