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Thread: [WIP] Melandis, a pavement desert city

  1. #11
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
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    In case you still need some seamless sand tiles try these. They came from and there are hundreds more. Look under "Soil / Sand"


  2. #12
    Guild Journeyer
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    France, near Lyon


    Hi Bogie,

    Still searching THE pattern of my dreams, I will make a trial with these, thank you

    I also picked up some roof patterns on CGTextures, and made about fifteen different roofs to figure buildings. I'm working on single buildings such as temples (one for each adored divinity in the city), the palace, and so on.

    Oh, and I used your technique to figure the perspective top-down view of a roof, as you made on Dundjinni forums. Many thanks for that !

    Maybe I will have to remake the map a bit larger, 'cause I will not be able to pile up 15,000 inhabitants on such a small surface...

  3. #13
    Guild Journeyer
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    So, it becomes an evidence that my map is too small (even in 4000 * 3000 px). However, I decided to make an attempt on placing buildings and walls/towers, to have an idea of the final result.

    Without taking in account all building overlays due to a lack of space, am I going the good way ? I mean, are my buildings credible ? The walls, towers ?

    In brief, what do you think about it ? What do I have to work a lot for the next trial ?

    Thank you !

    Edit : ok, I see some problems : forgot the fields, the shadows on roofs, and settings in desert. Well, no, I didn't forget, but this is supposed to be a to-do list for later
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    Last edited by Mornagest; 02-15-2013 at 07:10 PM.

  4. #14
    Guild Expert Wingshaw's Avatar
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    Looking at this map, I'd suggest you shrink the buildings. As a general indicator, I'd recommend making each one about a quarter it's current size. That will also allow you to fit a lot more buildings in (for a medieval feel, they should have a really packed-in effect), and give the impression of a really bustling city. If you follow that suggestion, I'd also suggest adding alley and backstreets - I had assumed that your earlier road map was only showing the major roads, not all of them. Your walls and towers are also a bit too large. It's a lot of work, I know, but trust me, it'll really pay off when you've done it.

    Two other things: I don't know if you are planning on adding gatehouses to the walls, but I think it would look more realistic. Second, is there a reason the buildings outside the walls are differently coloured to those within? Wouldn't they all use similar building materials (assuming they can access/afford them, of course)?

  5. #15
    Guild Journeyer
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    Yes, this could be a solution : shrinking buildings... I will have to re-draw them because they will look too blur otherwise. To get a packed-in effect, this would be better like this, maybe (roofs with a 90 degrees rotation) ?


    I wasn't sure it was necessary to add roads, but when I look at the map... in fact, yes, this is ! Next trial...

    About gates, I put walls very quickly yesterday so I didn't even think about them. I even forgot one tower, but that doesn't matter, I reached the point I was looking for : what I have to re-make.

    There are different kinds of roofs, the one outside walls are mostly made from wooden tiles and thatch, and inside walls, from red tiles, slate... but I don't know if this is really visible at this size. Again, I will re-make roofs...

    Thank you again for your advices, they are most precious as when I'm extremely focused on the map, it is difficult for me to see what is completely wrong

  6. #16
    Guild Adept foremost's Avatar
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    You'd have a hard time fitting 15,000 people in there! As TheHoarseWhisperer said, srinking the buildings and towers, then adding alleyways, would be a good fix. Sometime buildings could also overlap the street on the second level (if they have one).

    It would make some sense that farmhouses (it's a desert, I know) would have different roofs, but you would want ot make that more clear.

    I like it how it is, sorta a desert fortress looking thing, but I know that's not what you're aiming for.
    Keep up the good work, it's starting to look city-like!
    The best maps are the ones we like the most after looking at the longest.

  7. #17


    If you shrink the buildings then I would suggest shrinking the scale of the walls and towers (which I already think are too big - particularly the towers). The texture on the walls and towers needs scaling down a bit - those flagstones are almost as big as some of the houses. The merlons too are huge. They are generally only built to provide cover for a single person. You could hide entire groups behind the ones on your walls unless your houses are all tiny shacks.
    Last edited by Larb; 02-16-2013 at 03:28 PM.

  8. #18
    Guild Journeyer
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    Again a new trial. I raised the size of the city, shrinked the walls, towers and buildings (though I found no time to figure them for now ), added a scale (this is REALLY useful !) and changed also grass pattern inside walls (this one is more in agreement with the style of the map, I think).

    The white border is useless but I will make a map border when it will be finished... (in one or two years, I guess :p).

    This time, I'm more satisfied by the result...
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  9. #19
    Guild Journeyer
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    Next step, I added generic houses (without color variations but that will come later ). Some other buildings will come next soon (temples, palace, warehouses...).

    Changed the scale, too, and the desert background. Shrinked the grass pattern so it is less blur compared to the rest of the map.
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  10. #20
    Guild Adept
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    I fear you are veering towards the "BRAAAINS" effect. Remember that streets can be irregular but still be mostly straight, there is no point in being all curvy on a flat terrain.

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