I actually already have the world's skies mapped out here: http://www.cartographersguild.com/fi...-star-map.html. (though it was ignored when I posted it :p) though unfortunately I've lost the original PSD, though I can use this as a good base :-)
As you previously mentioned it, some stars map would be cool. Makes me remember of some old constellation maps from university's library of Leiden. Some constellation maps would be awesome but it's maybe hard to do/draw regarding your world settings...
a link for inspiration just in case with some similar celestial maps on Tumblr
Last edited by - Max -; 02-19-2013 at 02:39 PM.
I actually already have the world's skies mapped out here: http://www.cartographersguild.com/fi...-star-map.html. (though it was ignored when I posted it :p) though unfortunately I've lost the original PSD, though I can use this as a good base :-)
Yes I've already saw it on your album but I was thinking on making the animals? gods? angels? creatures? or whatever they are on the constellation map itself. Not sure it's really possible unless you know engraving your own designs![]()
That would be great and really fit this kind of map if you can make it out![]()
here's a cropped picture with some progress on the map 'border' or cartouche (not quite sure what to call it tbh). I've taken some inspiration from similar real-world maps (particularly with the text layout and the shape conforming to the graticules bordering them) and started filling it in with some in-world information - basically a brief introduction to the world's 'magic' systems, both of which have been labelled on the map itself. there's also some higher-res detailing of one of the 5-voyages marked on the map, with years and islands/locations visited.
world stereographic.jpg
This is getting ridiculous.
ridiculously awesome
daily update coming up...
As 'discussed' earlier on in this thread with Max, I was planning on adding constellation maps was well as a paragraph or two on each (much like the magical 'treatises' in my previous post. And so I am:
This is a separate image (to save time/size, as the original image is getting quite large so I'm working on separate images for now, and will paste the flattened images together once I'm done) with the northern and southern skies, respectively. They wont be adjacent to each other on the map (at least not with the layout I'm currently envisioning: i might change things round once the individual images are finished). The hemispheres are based on a star map that i created for the world, pasted below for convenience:
I still need to add the constellation and major star names, change some star symbol sizes (making the more prominent ones bigger and vice versa) and, of course, add the constellation drawings themselves, which will probably take a while now as I'll probably be quite busy over the next few days.
The map itself looks little different, though I've added over a hundred points and region/nation names and plotted the full courses of the five exploratory voyages depicted in the map's title. The going gets slower from now on as most of the remainder of the map is terra incognita as far as my world's history is concerned, so every place i add to this map will also get an entry in my notes (even something as cursory as a bullet point denoting location, so i have some text record i cant ctrl+f on a word document :p) so I'll be spending less time on the map itself and more time noting names, not to mention trying to come up with name sets that sound like they come from the same language...
Your last link is broken![]()
ok since you're on the road to make (hopefully) a masterpiece, I hope you don't mind if I'm being a little pernickety : I'd get the stars symbols some kind of old touch (giving them a bit of distressed touch or use some real engraved/wood cut ones rather than PS symbol) to make them fit the style map perfectly. I know this is really some details but details make great maps![]()