I can listen to anything, or nothing, doesn't really bother me.
Maybe try some movie soundtracks that fit with the theme of your map, or maybe some ambient/meditation sounds on YouTube like heavy rain or the ocean.
I'll try that, thanks!!
I can listen to anything, or nothing, doesn't really bother me.
Maybe try some movie soundtracks that fit with the theme of your map, or maybe some ambient/meditation sounds on YouTube like heavy rain or the ocean.
Check out: My Mar 2014 Challenge Submission: The Ballad of the Bonny Bards' Booty
Check out: My Finished Maps
Formerly "Yospeck"
I'm all over the map, pun intended
Really it depends on what I'm doing. If I'm having to make something look just a certain way or doing what requires concentration I'm probably going to want silence but most of the time when I'm painting I have music playing. I like music that sort of matches the mood so if I'm doing something depicting a tranquil area I will probably go for something smooth, classic, easy. If it's a more spastic or repititive area I'm likely to have something with a quick beat cranking. I have 2 monitors so I usually just fling my mouse over and change it whenever needed. It's great if it's a song I like and can sing along to but nothing really matters as much as getting in the zone.
Ahhh, the zone...that wonderful place where the hours pass by unnoticed and your hand just keeps making exactly the lines and shapes you need....that's the place to be and once I hit it I don't care. (Although, if my phone rings too many times when I'm there I could rip someone's head off.)
“When it’s over and you look in the mirror, did you do the best that you were capable of? If so, the score does not matter. But if you find that you did your best you were capable of, you will find it to your liking.” -John Wooden
* Rivengard * My Finished Maps * My Challenge Maps * My deviantArt