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Thread: Robert E. Howard's "Hyborian Age" in 3-D

  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Naima View Post
    Aquilonia Empire was representation of Roman Empire so I might place that in corrispondence of Italy .
    I admit I'm not 100% familiar with the intricacies of the Hyborian Age, but I thought Nemedia was "Rome". Of course, the Aquilonian/Pict conflict could be seen as mirroring the Roman one, too. Either way, if there are quotations to back it up, it's a worthy candidate for inclusion.

    Quote Originally Posted by karvis View Post
    Like in the image above, the Pyrenees (real world) are on the same region as Poitanian mountains (HA)
    In such a case, the actual mountains could, perhaps, be used as a heightmap for the fictional ones.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostman View Post
    BTW, are you aware of the REHupa website and the REH Forum? Those would be good places to look for more information.
    Yes, I am aware of those. Personally, I prefer a conversation so that I can absorb and colate the information, and bounce ideas back and forth instantaneously. (And the REHUPA is one of those that failed to respond to my telephone inquiry, prompting me to pitch the idea to this public forum, which to me is a far more uncomfortable and counterintuitive venue than I wanted to start out in.)

    Quote Originally Posted by karvis View Post
    The Rome analogue of THA, in my opinion if there is one, is the empire of Acheron.
    Or maybe it was that.

    Quote Originally Posted by karvis View Post
    Some think that Aquilonia's capital Tamar/Tarantia (Howard used two different names without explanation, that's one map makers dilemma right there) is named after Hill of Tara.
    I've read that Conan moved the capital (as opposed to renaming it), but that may just have been someone's hypothesis. But at least we have a fixed location for Tarantia, according to REH's map.
    Last edited by Y6oSWske; 07-18-2014 at 02:08 PM.

  2. #12


    Missed these questions you posted earlier.

    First, what type of projections were used in the maps of Europe that Howard traced? Is there any information on the actual atlases he used? If we match the projection, we will know how his map should lie on the globe. If we match the atlas, we will see first hand the details that may have influenced his choices.
    We know the atlas Howard used. However, I'm not sure if we know what kind of projection was exactly used. No one who owns the map book has provided such information. Given the time frame there are only a few possibilities. I used a map program to superimpose Howard's map on a globe. I used either a Polyconic projection or one other that I can't remember now and using many control points. It worked pretty well.

    Second, the original Howard maps: Do any originals still exist? If so, have they been scanned or photographed with modern technology? As a final touch, it may be possible to capture grain, smudges, wrinkles, and other such minute details, and use those to add an extra layer of "original" randomness to the seed for height-map terrain generation.
    The original Howard sketches exist still today. There are three of them. They may be all that ever was or there were more but in that case they have been lost.

    You should check the largest map thread on forums. There are high quality scans of the Howard's sketches and the name of the book is also found there. I would start looking from the latest posts rather than the earliest.

    I've read that Conan moved the capital (as opposed to renaming it), but that may just have been someone's hypothesis. But at least we have a fixed location for Tarantia, according to REH's map.
    Howard really gives no explanation of this situation. So people have theorized many things. such as Conan renamed the city, Conan movied his capital or that the words have slightly different meaning. E.g. Tamar woud mean the 'old city' part on the hill and Tarantia would mean the larger city around it. The latter two options have precedents in the stories. I on my map ended making them two different cities. Partly because I wanted more cities on the map, the geographic clues given in the stories allowed this option and there was nothing that directly contradicted this in the stories.

  3. #13


    Contacted by REHUPA.

  4. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Y6oSWske View Post
    Contacted by REHUPA.
    Well, that didn't go as well as I'd hoped. I was told with a somewhat snarky politeness that, until I drop my anonymity, nobody in the REH community will talk to me. No doubt my inquiry has by now been forwarded and everyone "warned" about me trying to "cheat" them into parting with free information...

    Suffice it to say, I do not get along well with gatekeepers of knowledge. As I told Mr. Cavalier in our brief correspondence, his choice of words (regarding my anonymity) was condescending, and I had no intention of paying homage to REH big wigs in order to advance a project the world deserves anyway.

    I will continue with the project in my spare time. Perhaps once I have something to show for it, then help will be forthcoming. (But I won't hold my breath expecting statist/university-educated babyboomers to get on board with the philosophy of open-source design!)

    I offer fair credit in return for assistance -- no more, no less.
    Last edited by Y6oSWske; 07-27-2014 at 09:46 PM.

  5. #15
    Professional Artist Naima's Avatar
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    Mar 2010


    Btw this is a bit offtopic , but some time ago I did a Promo video on a skyrim mod themed on "Hyborian Age" ... SInce I love Conan the barbarian movies ( Apart the last one ) ^^ ....

    hope u like it ...

  6. #16


    I think I saw your video just browsing randomly one day.

    As for this project, it will spend a little time on the back burner while I focus on other things. When I eventually have something to show, I'll post the link to my site.

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