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Thread: April / May 2015 Lite Challenge: Star Fort

  1. #11
    Guild Expert Abu Lafia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChickPea View Post
    Where does it end?!
    Propably like this ... Ok, i have to stop now, mapmaking is a serious business!

  2. #12
    Guild Journeyer Facebook Connected JefBT's Avatar
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    I wanna see the final map, but I like the idea.

  3. #13
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
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    Haven't had a lot of time for mapping this week, so I've tried to cram in loads today. I've attached a couple of images for what I've done. There's an overview of the whole town, then a more detailed map of one area.

    I'm already having second thoughts about some things. I'm not liking the roofs on the big crescent shaped buildings near the right hand side. I've just finished them and I think I'm all mapped out and too tired, but already I hate them LOL! I've also just noticed a little mistake on one of the roofs near the top centre where the dormer window is on the wrong side of the roof. Oops! Damn you Inkscape for making me turn off layers I'm not using so you don't flake out on me!

    Anyway, this is where I'm at now. There's still a ton of things to do (and redo) but the most population-dense areas are nearly done, so there are nowhere near as many buildings in the rest of the areas, though these buildings will be fancier and take more time, but that'll be more fun. Also, before anyone comments, my thinking behind this city is that it was once a defensive fort, but peace broke out and it's now a city of art and culture and plenty of wine. Also, I like gardens. Lots of gardens.

    ### LATEST WIP ###
    sf-area.jpg sf.jpg

  4. #14


    It's taking shape ChickPea. I can't wait to see what it will be in the end!


  5. #15
    Guild Member MstrWelf's Avatar
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    What I like best are the denser populated areas, I wonder if you plan at least 2 more of these sectors? I am not familiar with Inkscape but I wonder if you could make the wall more look like a wall?
    Anyway, gardens and wine are always good!

  6. #16
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
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    IG, Thanks! I'm looking forward to getting 'creative' with some of the other buildings.

    MstrWelf, I obviously still have a bit to do and will be filling out some of the other areas with residences. I might do a couple of small segments of densely populated areas, but thinning out as they get closer to the wealthier parts of town. About the wall, I haven't worked on that at all yet. It's really just an outline at the moment. Glad we're in agreement about wine and gardens!

    I'm trying not to think too much about all the things I'd like to do, or I'll start to panic about the lack of time ... even though I still have more than two weeks to go!

  7. #17
    Guild Member MstrWelf's Avatar
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    Yeah, deadline creeps up on you but with a bottle of zaccagnini_monte_11_750.jpgyou won't even notice it....

  8. #18
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
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    Hehe, I like your thinking, MstrWelf!

    I have a long weekend coming up, so I'm hoping to really get stuck in then.

  9. #19
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
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    The buildings in the dense area look good. Keep up the good work!

  10. #20
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
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    Well I've completely crashed and burned. My plans to dedicate last weekend to map-making did not work out and this weekend has been taken up with someone's stupid wedding. I actually have less done than in my last update, cos I deleted some stuff I didn't like, so in fact I'm going backwards LOL! I'm not going to finish. Not even remotely close. I'm a bit discouraged, but it can't be helped. I'm not giving up on the map, just on the challenge. I'll probably create a WIP thread once the challenge is over and finish it there, probably by about December at the rate I'm going. That'll be December 2016!

    Sorry folks. :/

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