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Thread: World Of Muna

  1. #11
    Guild Journeyer Guild Supporter mbartelsm's Avatar
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    Aug 2010


    I'm following Pixie's and Azelor's guides, turns out I need to place my continental shelfs. So, here they are:

    I've also added some more details to the other continents in order to have, at the very least, a rough sketch of mountain placement.
    The guides on the icosahedral projection are to help me warp past the edges.
    Last edited by mbartelsm; 12-29-2015 at 07:57 PM.

  2. #12
    Guild Journeyer Guild Supporter mbartelsm's Avatar
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    Aug 2010


    I've (mostly) done it, but I wouldn't do it again. It was a titanic task and all that's left is the cleanup, unfortunately I'm going on a trip tomorrow and won't be able to finish it for a while.





    Climate map
    * Black areas need cleanup

    The map ended up with a bit more (a lot more) savanna than I expected/wanted. Fortunately, the regions I'm interested in have the climates I expected or, at the very least, something similar, which is a success for me.

    As a sidenote, it's fun to see mediterranean climate (yellow) inland, in a plateau and surrounded by mountains on all but one side, the wind just blows in the right direction.

    EDIT: I must point out that this was all done following pixie's tutorial (thank you).
    Last edited by mbartelsm; 12-30-2015 at 10:51 PM.

  3. #13


    I must say I like a lot your land shapes. And I'm a big fan of the dymaxion view.

  4. #14
    Guild Journeyer Guild Supporter mbartelsm's Avatar
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    I said I wouldn't do the climates again, but I will. After thinking over the results during my trip I decided that even though the climates were a success, they weren't successful enough for me to be satisfied, wind patterns were plain bad an the resulting map reflected that. I've done a fair bit of studying since then and now I feel more prepared for the task.

    I took advantage of the fact that I was gonna redo the weather and tweaked the continents a bit to make them larger, that way they will be of more impact for the weather and maybe I can get some nice monsoon areas. I dropped the hex grid to get into the fine details, the grid served it's purpose of blocking and sketching the land and mountains and my computer cannot handle a higher resolution, something I had not foreseen. I'm still working with the icosahedral projection as I believe it's best for map making due to its low distortion and modularity.

    Below are the old continents (left) next to the new continents (right) for comparison.

    Equidistant_SeamaskOld.png Equidistant_SeamaskNew.png

    Now that I'm not constrained by my PC I decided to completely flesh out the island chains too.

  5. #15
    Guild Journeyer Guild Supporter mbartelsm's Avatar
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    Aug 2010


    I've been wandering aimlessly with this map for a while, it's been a great learning experience, but if I want to finish it then I need a plan. I've been looking at Erwin Raisz's work and I love it, I think it will be a much better fit for a map of my setting than the medieval map I was attempting, I can even attempt to merge the features of both styles for the final result.

    With that in mind I ordered Raisz's "Principles of Cartography", it seems to be a wonderful book but I cannot seem to find it online. Once it arrives, and depending on the community's position on pirating a book with a single edition published in 1937 by a guy who's been dead over 50 years, I'm thinking on scanning it and sharing it here.

    With a more or less solid goal I decided on a plan for the map which roughly consists on: finishing geography, defining climates, learning a bit of basic geology, defining geology (kinds of soil and shapes of mountains, I'm gonna need this if I'm following Raisz's style), receiving the book (it will arrive in february, the problem of living in the third world), and start working on the regional maps from most important to least until I get bored.

    So far I've mostly finished the geography, I'm thinking of running a couple of passes on wilbur to solidify it, if successful I'll edit the result in.


    From green to brown: 0m, 250m, 500m, 1000m, 2000m, +4000m
    Last edited by mbartelsm; 01-07-2016 at 04:35 PM.

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