Great map Vhey.
I hate people who rip off other people's work for use in commercial maps, but in this case @Carnifex I don't think Vhey ripped off your carpet. To my eye the two objects are different, and Vhey's carpet is not based off a recoloured Carnifex carpet. Try overlaying them and take another look Carnifex. If it was based on your carpet, it has been so altered it is no longer an issue, and altering it that much would have taken much longer than just making it from scratch. Your own overlay clearly shows this.
Good things: lighting; unlike @J.Edward I really like your 'rough' fire light on the rug and tiles. Great paving tiles that fit in with the overall style. Great consistency of colour and style overall. Great light and shadow effects. Great window and door treatment.
Critique: unused fireplace on floor 2 looks blurred. Stairs on floor 2 could use a darker shadow imo (to contrast with the light in the floor 1 stairs and stand out a bit).