I uploaded an album with WIP shots of everything I've done since my last post in here. https://cartographersguild.com/album.php?albumid=4974
I figured it is better to do this than flood the thread with dozens of images.

I spent most of the time drawing roads, re-drawing them, placing out villages, cities, forts/castles and then replacing them over and over. I also moved the borders, it feels much better now. A lot of naming happened as well and most of it is still subject to change. It got tiresome to see all those anonymous map markers and most of them are going to end up with new names before I call the project finished.

It has been moving along slowly because I devote more time to run the p&p game it is being created for which is why only the southern parts are developed since it is where the game is taking place. I will have to light some fires under me once the players begin to make their way north.