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Thread: Feb / Mar 2016 Lite Mapping Challenge: The Heist

  1. #11
    Guild Journeyer Savage Orc's Avatar
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    Feb 2016
    Brunswick, OH


    Well, between my work schedule and doing stuff with the Mrs. I've been trying to get some work done on my challenge.

    ### Latest WIP ###
    The Heistv2.jpg

    Instead of steam powered trains I decided to have the railway run on Ley Lines, magical energies that spider web across the world. The City of Vandassa sits on a Major Ley Line Axis, the only major axis that is on land, and the reason it is the Seat of the Elven Empress's power. The other major axis are in the oceans. There are numerous minor and tertiary axis as well. Only the minor axis associated with the railway are on the map. The minor axis tend to cluster around a Major axis and the further away from the Major, the less minor and more tertiary axis can be found.

    Guess a simple Lite Challenge idea is sprouting into a more in depth world building experience.

    I put in a "rough in" for the railway in red and will replace it with better looking lines later. Still have to add more terrain and just realized I haven't put any rivers in yet.

    The map itself I will most likely increase in size, as suggested by others, but I haven't gotten there yet.

    Still lots to do with the deadline fast approaching.

  2. #12
    Guild Journeyer Savage Orc's Avatar
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    Brunswick, OH


    Question: do you think I should add color to the map?

    My idea was that this map was made by an artist, named at the bottom of the map, for maybe a minor noble or a merchant who wanted a map of the rail system. And then it was stolen.

    I'm not sure if color would be appropriate for that kind of map. What do you think?

    Of course, I have so much to do I might not even get to that.

  3. #13
    Guild Expert snodsy's Avatar
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    Maybe put it on a parchment background or grungy paper texture to look folded or worn.

  4. #14
    Guild Journeyer Savage Orc's Avatar
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    Brunswick, OH


    I was thinking of texturing the map paper but wasn't sure if I should wait until I was done and could merge the map layers so everything was textured. Was thinking of a minimal canvas texture or something.

    Was also thinking of roughing the edges or a slight curl of a corner

  5. #15
    Guild Apprentice Descending Bear's Avatar
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    Having the railway follow ley lines is a brilliant idea! It's a really neat way of using the magical fantasy setting. Gives the route a unique look too, since real-world railways tend to wind around a lot.

    If you're using Photoshop, you can put all the map layers into a folder, and then apply textures and clipping masks and stuff to that folder as if it's a single merged layer.

  6. #16
    Guild Journeyer Savage Orc's Avatar
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    Unfortunately it's an old version of Photoshop Elements (9) so I don't think I can group them like that. I will have to look when I get home, at work now.

  7. #17
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
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    Yeah, I think a nice old parchment with some ragged edges would look good. And maybe a small drop shadow underneath just to lift it off the wooden background, like it's sitting on a tabletop, or something like that.
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

  8. #18
    Guild Journeyer Savage Orc's Avatar
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    Brunswick, OH


    Thanks for the suggestions. I was planing on the drop shadows (waiting to finalize the positions of the notes), and maybe a curled corner, but ragged edges might be good too. It does look really flat right now. And the torn paper with the drawing looks almost like it glows, at least on my monitor, so I plan on toning it down.

    Been working on it when I can and hope to have it dine on time. May try to post an update tomorrow morning.

    Deadline is middle of March, correct? Will keep plugging away to get it done a few days before.

  9. #19
    Guild Journeyer Savage Orc's Avatar
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    So I went in a added some details, roughed up the edges, added a texture to the map paper, drop shadows, curled/bent corners, water lines around the coastline, and a few other things. I also cropped the image a little bit.

    I did increase the size of the map and moved the notes around. Let me know what you think of their placement. I am also considering hand writing the notes since I think typing the note looks a little too neat.

    Any comments and suggestions appreciated. If you see anything I might be missing, let me know.

    ### Latest WIP ###
    The Heistv3.jpg

  10. #20
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
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    Sunny Scotland


    Oh yes, this looks much better already. What a difference!

    I think changing the font on the notes is a good idea. Your own hand-writing would be nice if that's easy for you to do, or maybe just find a better font? I somehow imagine a criminal's writing being messier, with smudges and maybe some bits crossed out because he couldn't spell! A quick search will probably turn up a ton of hand-writing fonts, or start with It'd be nice to write it yourself, though. I get a slightly weird enjoyment out of seeing other people's hand-writing. Probably because my own is damn near illegible.

    Looking forward to your next update. It's starting to look really good.
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

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