Okay, well, I wasn't sure if I'd enter this one or not, as I have a lot of work going on at the moment, but little over a week in and here I am.

Anyway, I haven't actually spent too long doing it so far, but have been messing around a little and am pretty pleased with how things are turning out. I was originally going to do a black and white map, but got a little carried away. I still want to keep things fairly simple, but the new style is definitely one I'm happy with.

I've still yet to add all the trade symbols, do a border, trade times, or add the dangers themselves (although I do have some danger zones). I will probably have a break from working on this for now and get back to Uni work (and also the Lite Challenge ), but any feedback would be appreciated.

### Latest WIP ###
Travel routes test.jpg

Oh, and done entirely on Photoshop.