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Thread: Cartographical Collaborator Needed

  1. #11
    Guild Novice
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    BC, Canada
    Blog Entries


    Do you want the continents to look like what they really look like but with 1700s territories? Or do you want it to look like what people thought the world looked like at the time?
    For example this: world_map_1700_1763.jpg
    Or this: 1700CE_map.jpg

  2. #12


    That is an interesting question. I believe you are talking about the physical shape, rather than the coloring/textures/borders of the map. In the Diplomacy variant world, there are plenty of geographically accurate maps, and plenty of clunky, blocky maps, but not much in the way of historically shaped maps. So I would say it would be interesting to try to work with the world as it was then known. We may have to modernize and correct a bit here and there, since I do not want to use something completely incorrect (for example, California as an island rather than part of mainland North America) or where there is just no knowledge, for example in Australia and far eastern Siberia/Alaska, which weren't really known at all at the time. That could be done by drawing (no pun intended) from maps dated 50 to 100 years later, so there would still be some period feel.

  3. #13


    Hello all. Triceratops has not responded to my messages, or been on this site in over a month, so it looks like I still need a collaborator on this project. Please respond if interested.

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