Some neat linework and, as others have said, a lovely illustration make for a great couple of WIPs not just for the challenge, but also as your first contributions to the guild!
Great start! I like the lineart, and the corner illustration is awesome!!
Some neat linework and, as others have said, a lovely illustration make for a great couple of WIPs not just for the challenge, but also as your first contributions to the guild!
When I decided to enter the ring on this one, I saw your map and hesitated, it's a wonder ! I look forward for more of your maps if they're all that good.
Sorry I haven't had a chance to reply/update. Finished university this week and got my Degree, woo!
@JosiahVE: Thanks, and yeah using a tablet, my 7 year old inutos 4 is still going.
@ChickPea: Wooo, I rarely meet other Scots online! On the colour; I have never coloured a map, but after some playing does look better with a little colour/tone.
@ladiestorm: Thanks! I agree, the darker land and water lines hopefully make it more clear.
@thomrey: How I feel posting anything too! But feedback when you're a beginner is invaluable, so worth it.
Thanks a bunch to everyone else who replied as well!
### LATEST WIP ###
I was pretty stupid, and accidentally deleted my legend layer group without noticing, so need to do that again. I am going to finish the terrain in the north. The city in the illustration is Noranel, with the yet unnamed volcano in the background. Might change the font too.
Congrats on your degree ! ^__^
Your map is awesome, and yes, the contrast between the land and the sea makes it more readable. I like your city illustration !
And thumbs up for old Intuos ! Still using mine as well (a third gen) ^^
Congrats for your exams.
Your map is awesome, and your linedraws skills makes me anvious. Do you plan to color it ?
Rep for this beautifull first contribution to the Guild.
Congrats on your degree, what field? The coloring is subtle but really brings out the map. Very nice.
My Battlemaps Gallery
I'll also add my congrats on getting your degree. Well done!
I really like the subtle colouring you've added. It's looking really good.
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"
Your map is looking lovely. I particulalry like the border, but also the other changes you've made work really nicely, with the extra details on your illustration and the shading and water ripples!
Also, congrats on finishing! I just finished Uni too, though haven't got any resutls back yet, but fingers cross I passed and got a degree!