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Thread: The Dragon's Backbone

  1. #11
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Meshon's Avatar
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    I like the two ridges you've put in, there's a sense of the land rising towards the north. I'm not sure that they benefit from being attached to the lines that delineate the peaks of the mountains though. I think the second (more northerly) ridge is most successful. Part of that is the angle of it as well, but I especially like the way the river cuts into the ridge and disappears for a moment.

    This looks like it's going to be another impressive map!


  2. #12
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Caenwyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meshon View Post
    I like the two ridges you've put in, there's a sense of the land rising towards the north. I'm not sure that they benefit from being attached to the lines that delineate the peaks of the mountains though. I think the second (more northerly) ridge is most successful. Part of that is the angle of it as well, but I especially like the way the river cuts into the ridge and disappears for a moment.
    Thanks for your comment, Meshon! You'll notice I adapted the southern ridge to make it a little more plausible

    In the same breath I'd like to present my newest update. Terrain linework is done -- next up is vegetation (forests, marshes, grasslands)!


    Comments and suggestions are welcome as always
    Caenwyr Cartography

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  3. #13
    Professional Artist ThomasR's Avatar
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    An out of topic comment but the mountain ridges make me think of dragon wings fingers more than a backbone. Like the land under the dracolich's wing !

  4. #14
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Caenwyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thomrey View Post
    An out of topic comment but the mountain ridges make me think of dragon wings fingers more than a backbone. Like the land under the dracolich's wing !
    You should look at the full picture to get an idea of why I call it the Dragon's Backbone. If you squint hard enough, you'll start seeing its back in the middle, its tail pointed towards the south, its head in the northwest, its claws below that and its wings outstretched throughout the entire eastern half of the subcontinent.

    Equally off-topic, but related to your remark: I started wondering if "the Dragon's Spine" would sound better or worse than "the Dragon's Backbone". Probably a question native speakers are better suited to answer than I am. Not that it matters a terrible lot - the final image will be in Dutch anyway!
    Caenwyr Cartography

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  5. #15
    Professional Artist ThomasR's Avatar
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    I can se it now ! I forgot the two maps were related.

    Not a native speaker but in my ear, backbone sods more metal and blunt while spine sounds more swift. My two (€) cents.

  6. #16
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Caenwyr's Avatar
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    Hi peeps, another update for this beautiful morning!

    in-water squigglies, roads, cities and forests >> all done


    Next up, and long anticipated: shading! That really should make this image pop. The idea is to create both a greyscale and a coloured version, but I have no idea how to do shading in greyscale (especially the lighted parts! How do you indicate "this is lit up by the sun" against a white background?) I guess I'll have to learn as I go along.

    Any remarks? Speak now or forever hold your peace.
    Caenwyr Cartography

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  7. #17
    Professional Artist ThomasR's Avatar
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    First, that's effing dense ! But the linework is wonderful ! I like the transition between evergreens and deciduous. In the northeast, a patch of forest seems unfocused on my screen. Concerning shadows, I have no clue as how to give the impression of light unless you apply a light gray to everything and erase where you want whiter patches. It's gonna be tough. An option would be to do the colored version and then go back to the greyscale version but, from a white background. Maybe use a creamy white or ivory background ? I'm curious to see what you come up with.

    I cannot wait to see the colored version, I think it'll really bring it to life

  8. #18
    Guild Expert snodsy's Avatar
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    Really nice job, I know MAX has a lot of Black & White maps that might help you answer your highlight question. It looks more like the sunny side has fewer and more broken lines, since the sunny side would "blow out" details. Look forward to seeing both version. Great line work, love the mountains.

  9. #19
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Caenwyr's Avatar
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    A first splash of colour, and some shading!


    Or more specifically: added some colour to the background, and started shading both the terrain and the forests. 2/3 of the terrain is done by now, and I just started work on the forests as well (to keep my mind busy!). Once both are done, it's off to labeling and turning that ugly frame into something more interesting .

    Am I on the right track?
    Caenwyr Cartography

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  10. #20
    Guild Expert snodsy's Avatar
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    WOW!, yeah, i'd say you are definitely on the right track, really beautiful color and transition. Not too crazy about the font or border, yet. Great job

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