Okay, I've given the mountain ranges another swing and updated the tectonics to include subduction zones and the direction of movement. I spent a while staring at Earth's plates, but I'm not sure I thought through it entirely - at a certain point my eyes started crossing! I'm also not sure of the continent to continent crush points and how to mark places where they've smooshed together and are moving together. Right now I have them as subduction places, but that doesn't seem right...?
I've also added hot spots, using them to mark where the biggest volcanoes are as well. I haven't added islands for the hot spots in the ocean, and I'm not sure if I have enough or where other ones might show up.
I've also reworked the rivers using a roughed up weather flow based - trying to keep the rivers where there should be enough rain to create them (I'm attaching the rough out of the weather flow, too - the planet is moving in the same direction as Earth for reasons of simplicity). I'm not sure of what will happen between Zingr, the top right continent, and Looevate, the continent right to the left of it; the space between them is narrow so I think it would intensify the movement, but I'm not sure.
Please let me know what you think!
Globe - Equirectangular.png
Globe - Equirectangular with Plates.png
Globe - Equirectangular - Weather Flow.png