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Thread: November 2017 Challenge: Z Apocallypse

  1. #11


    Wow, Fran! That must have taken you such a long time!

    Looking really great

  2. #12
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected XCali's Avatar
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    Nice map! You really put a lot of effort into this one. Well done

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  3. #13
    Guild Member FranCobasGC's Avatar
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    Not as much as I expected... I finish in 8 days (working some of them more than 10 hours hehe) but the thing that take me more brain cells was trying to make the game playable xd

  4. #14
    Guild Artisan Guild Supporter Tenia's Avatar
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    Hehe, it's time of game boards this month I didn't read all the rules but it looks great !

  5. #15


    What kind of file is that you have uploaded, Fran?

    I am curious, since it appears to me not as an icon to be clicked and enlarged, but filling the whole comment up as it is. I can't see the details on those 3D images you've drawn!

    Maybe its because I'm using Edge?

    Is anyone else having the same problem?

  6. #16
    Guild Member FranCobasGC's Avatar
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    The forum dont let me upload, so I put an URL from artstation.

  7. #17
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
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    What happens when you try to upload Fran?

    Our image scraper (which people use when voting starts) can't pick up an image hosted externally. Right now, it's showing your earlier map post. Your image size is well within the limits, so there shouldn't be any problem.

    There's instructions here on how to upload via the 'Attachments' feature. Can you try that and see if it works?

    Nice map, by the way!
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

  8. #18


    I was having a problem uploading my own entry earlier this evening. It turned out to be lack of broadband.

    I'm on mobile broadband (Wi-Fi to the nearest mobile mast), and currently have between 0 and 2 bars showing on a 5 bar aerial display. Are you also on mobile broadband, Fran? I see you are in London, so we might be having the same problems.

    It took nearly 5 minutes to upload my update earlier. If your screen goes kind of whitish and just stays that way, it doesn't mean the upload has failed. Its just taking a long time

  9. #19
    Guild Member FranCobasGC's Avatar
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    ### Latest WIP ###

    When I go to manage files, the system dont let me drag the ones I have already loaded, you know why? only when I upload the image, appear ready to attach.
    Last edited by FranCobasGC; 11-30-2017 at 11:05 PM.

  10. #20


    I don't know, Fran...

    There is more than one way to upload an image. I think I do it the other way to the approved one that ChickPea described. I click the little picture icon in the menu at the top of the comment I am writing at the time, and I upload it that way.

    If you give that method a go it does take quite a long time to upload (especially if your broadband is pretty slow like mine is). You have to be patient with it

    I see you did eventually manage to upload your map, one way or the other

    Now that I can see your map properly, I can fully appreciate the detail and the complexity. I'm not a player or a DM, so I don't understand much, but it does look very impressive

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