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Thread: December 2017 Challenge - The DMZ Peace Park

  1. #11


    ### Latest WIP ###

    Ok I've smoothed out the mountains and worked on the coloring a bit. The labeling is in a very preliminary phase.

    DMZ Peace Park WIP 3 (Small) .jpg

  2. #12
    Guild Expert Guild Supporter Greg's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    South West England


    Looking nice GWN, love the colours and style so far!

  3. #13


    Nice work! The combination of the colors and the topography works very well.

  4. #14


    ### Latest WIP ###

    DMZ Peace Park WIP 4 (small).jpg

    Working on adding cultural and natural feature highlights.

    Panmunjeom: This in the only place within the DMZ that a non-military person in 2017 can go. The Joint Security Area (JSA) is the only place that Korea soldiers on both sides come face to face. In the future, this meeting complex has been transformed into a museum

    The Unification Bridge: Also in existence now, a traveler can see the bridge that spans no-man's-land as the train tracks across it disappear into the North Korean mountains. Now, in this map the train is up and running, unifying the nation in earnest.

    Gung He Castle: The location of a 10th century Korean power-center, the palace of King Gung He has been lost to time. Someday, perhaps a team of anthropologist and archaeologists will excavate and restore what surely was a great palace.

    The animals adorning the corners are rare, endangered species in today's Korea. In fact, there have been no recorded sightings of the Siberian Tiger in Korea since the War, but ecologists theorize there may be a small population roaming the land mines and razor wire of today's DMZ.
    Last edited by GreatWhiteNorth; 12-20-2017 at 04:10 PM.

  5. #15

  6. #16


    Great looking map, GWN

    I love the idea!

  7. #17


    I really love the idea! And who knows, sometimes these things happen. It happened with Germany. In the 1980s nobody thought that would ever be unified again (even though in that case we really have to say, it was their own fault), but here we are! Maybe one day this will be a thing. Also love the progress. It's really neat

  8. #18
    Guild Master Facebook Connected - JO -'s Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Geneva, Switzerland


    The Zoomed-in maps are beautiful ! Very good job, there ! And I like the 4 corners drawings, as you said, it adds some background to the whole ! Good job !

  9. #19


    ### Latest WIP ###

    The map seems to be nearing completion!

    DMZ Peace Park WIP 6 (Small).jpg

  10. #20


    ### Latest WIP ###

    DMZ Peace Park WIP 7 (Small).jpg

    The Peace Flag: North ad South Korea of today have both constructed flag poles nearby the DMZ, attempting to one-up each other by making their pole higher. Now, there is but one, flying the Korean Unification Flag.

    Jeonche-Sa Mountain Hermitage: Korea is positively dotted with Buddhist temples and shrines and hermitages, and some of the most stunning and wonderful are nestled into mountain valleys and wilderness areas. This make-believe temple (Jeonche meaning "wholeness") was built at the highest point of in the Peace Park along the Korea Peace Trail, a hiking path from Baekdu-san on the northern border with China to Jiri-san National Park near Gwangju in the peninsula's southwest province.

    Friendship Tunnels: These are the re-purposed "tunnels of aggression" or "incursion tunnels" that the current North Korea has constructed to sneak soldiers near to Seoul. In the future of peace, the tunnels have become transportation corridors for human passage underneath the Peace Park, ensuring that as little human imprint as possible is made on this beautiful natural space.

    Public Access Areas: Still, an understanding of this refuge is necessary, and the four public access areas give the public a comprehension of the cultural and natural history present in the former DMZ. It is unlikely that the DMZ could be thoroughly de-mined with anything approaching timely speed, so these public access areas serve to protect the public from war relics and the natural wilderness from the public.

    This will likely be one of the last WIPs of this challenge for. Any suggestions for little improvements before it's complete?

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