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Thread: It is a map picture I made. #地形化計画 #TerrainizePlan

  1. #11
    Guild Member qhqhTerra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Naima View Post
    Very nice shading style .
    Thank you Naima!
    Shadows are important for this map.
    I am glad that the shadow will be evaluated.

  2. #12
    Guild Member qhqhTerra's Avatar
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    Default Mountains, coves and rich nature, "South Coastal Region"

    I already explained half of the continent. I will explain the other half from now.
    The region that I explained so far,
    "North Coast Region", "Northwest Peninsula", and "Southwest Plains".
    From here, it is "South Coastal Region", "Southeast Dark Area", And "East Valleys".

    In the south, there are areas consisting of mountains, hills and coves. It is "South Coastal Region".

    TerrainizePlan 地形化計画 05.jpg
    "South Coastal Region"

    There are countries such as "Yarklau"(ヤークラウ), "North Vilts"(北ヴィルツ), "South Vilts"(南ヴィルツ), "Shfamp"(シュファンプ), "Baranas"(バラナス), and "Thaiweiv"(サイウェイヴ).
    This area is inferior to "North Coast Region", but to a certain degree it is civilized.
    They do strange agriculture, the city is the center of politics.

    "Titiybla" and "Latolont" were invaded by Barshur(Barshur is the hegemony of North Coast).
    The rival has disappeared, Yarklau and South Vilts are power plus.
    North Vilts was hurt by the first attack by Burshur.

    This region has been invaded, occupied and plundered many times by the nomads of the West. Many times in history.
    However, this region has survived to the present age. Without losing ethnic identity.
    They are tenacious civilization.

    Their weapon is a combination of metallic spears, wooden shields, and armor of "plant leather" by special manufacturing methods.
    With this, they have defended their hometowns from various enemies.

    Special furniture, especially baskets, moisture resistant building combining wood and clay, and thousands of boat houses floating on lake and coast!
    These can only be seen here.

  3. #13
    Guild Member qhqhTerra's Avatar
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    Default Well not known, "Southeast Dark Area"

    The southeastern peninsula called "Southeast Dark Area" is enormous, but it is wrapped in darkness.

    TerrainizePlan 地形化計画 06.jpg
    "Southeast Dark Area"

    Deep woods and mountain ranges block eyes from the outside.
    Only a small coastal area has interactions with the Irianes merchant.
    It is called "Shadew port"(影の港).

    Tail wings of colorful Giant eagles,
    Very convenient color fixing agent,
    Light blue stone easy to crush,
    Red lump with vivid blood color. It is used for very high quality dyes (In North Coast, paint is very important!),
    Emerald green pyroxene (always a little cloudy),
    Very durable black green scales,
    A huge big beast's fur,
    Nuts to be a material of strange love-potion,
    And, Baby shaped roots (delicacy),
    These are the specialty of the region.

    However, very simple things are also unknown. What are those people eating?
    Irianes Merchants like to hide information.

  4. #14


    I agree with everyone else - the painted map looks really nice. It's a style I've wanted to try.

    Also the world lore was also interesting to read. Although I did read Baranas as Bananas at first.

  5. #15
    Guild Member qhqhTerra's Avatar
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    Default Old history and agriculture,"East Valleys".

    Finally, let 's introduce "East Valleys". This place has a deep history.
    However, this area has recently been defeated in competition with "North Coast Region".

    TerrainizePlan 地形化計画 07.jpg
    "East Valleys".

    The countries here are "Gilme"(ギルメ), "Varghat"(ヴァルガット), "Folgot"(フォルゴート), "Fanob"(ファノッブ), "Melwath"(メルワス), "Latolont"(ラトロント), and "soltorong"(ソルトロン).
    But half of it is under Barshur rule, only Varghat, Melwath, and soltrong are independent.
    Age of hardship.

    Whether to add "Kwam" here is astray.
    Kwam and Folgot have similar topography and climate. The hair color is also the same maroon color.
    but, Kwam is much influenced by the northern civilization than the eastern civilization.
    However, Kwam is different from the northern Marine civilization. It is an inland country.

    A major river flows in a dry plateau.
    There are many cities near the river.
    The city conveys the oldest history on the continent to the present.

    There are things people in this area think. Each god will stay in each valley.
    People living there think the god of their home town is the most wonderful.
    God is the pride of the country and unifies the country.

    If that guardian god is gone, the country will be full of disaster.
    A cold wind blows in the field, droughts occur in the north, flooding in the south.

    This is true! Because droughts and floods were a common occurrence in this area. Long time ago.
    Ancient leaders made reservoirs and embankments.
    After a long time, the ancient leaders have been deified.
    Yes, drought and floods would have been left in this area if there were no "god".

    Eventually, people came to think that the god of the valley is the country itself.
    If the history book says "God is sick", it means "the country is not vibrant."
    If the history book says "The God of Melwath Valley has defeated the Varghat Valley God", it means "Melwath and Varghat fought and Melwath won."

    A god with scales and thorns on the body lives in the valley of Varghat.
    Human face, sharp thorns on the back of the head, back covered with scales, and a long tail like a snake.
    We could call this God "half dragon". It may be "Lizardman."
    However, the local people call it the god of Varghat.
    This god brought wisdom and weapons to people.

    God living in the Valley of Melwath combines a man and a woman.
    There is a legend that this god gave birth to the people of the area by himself.
    Without intercourse with other gods!
    The last child of this god was a crop species.

    The god of the Valley of Soltorong has the head of the frog.
    Frog head is thought to bring in rain. Rain and rivers made this area a fine cultivated land.
    Also, the god of Soltorong recommends music.
    Soltorong style drums are preferred in the surrounding area.
    Prepare drums with different sounds, and five players have instruments.
    And if five people cooperate, it is thought that any music can be played.

    People ruled by other nation also maintain their own faith.

    The God of the Valley of Gilme is a figure of a middle-aged man. He is a portly gentleman.
    He has cloth bags with gold coins and barley in their hands.

    The God of the valley of Folgot is the figure of a giant whose height is 3 meters and a half.
    People think that he is setting the mountain range as a villa land.
    He has a strong horseshoof, but it is not a so - called centaur. He is bipedal.

    The god of Fanob's Valley, the head is human, but the chest and the beard are superb goat.
    He is said to have "crown" on his head and chin.
    This god gives the courage to fight.

    Finally, the god of the valley of Latolont is said to be a sky blue woman throughout the body.
    She has a clairvoyant that can be seen very far.
    It is said that it is in order not to miss the pathetic soul.
    She has feathers between her head, armpit and crotch.
    That wing is very soft and emits warm light.
    She leads the soul of the dead In a way to hand over this wing.
    This is particularly widely known.
    Gilme, Varghat, Melwath, and many other people have words to comfort friends who have lost their families.
    "Do not be sad, he probably went to Latolont, he is now holding a feather."

  6. #16
    Guild Member qhqhTerra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Larb View Post
    I agree with everyone else - the painted map looks really nice. It's a style I've wanted to try.

    Also the world lore was also interesting to read. Although I did read Baranas as Bananas at first.
    Thank you Larb!
    World lore is my particular hard work. Very happy.
    It was fun to make.

    Evaluation for Paint is also glad.
    Recently, I am mostly expressing a map by altitude tints, not a watercolor brush tool. That is exactly "ancient Lost Technology". Hahaha.

    I, too, became able to read it as a bananas by you ....

  7. #17
    Guild Member qhqhTerra's Avatar
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    If you do not mind,
    I want you to tell me the interesting sentences you felt, good phrases. From among these explanations.

    I want to improve sensitivity. For fantasy. For a more attractive world.

  8. #18
    Guild Member qhqhTerra's Avatar
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    The map I made is posted on this blog.
    "qhqh123" is another name of "qhqhTerra".
    This is not a Illegal post.


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