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Thread: WIP - Ayrilia

  1. #11
    Community Leader Guild Sponsor Gidde's Avatar
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    Michigan, USA


    Huh, you can use a wacom pen on an iPad??? I must figure out how to do that.

  2. #12
    Guild Member
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    Sep 2018
    Brisbane, Queensland, Australia


    Yes a generic one that doesn’t come with a tablet (haven’t tried a Wacom tablet pen on the iPad Pro), I bought it off eBay. I just did a search for either iPad Pro stylus or iPad Pro pen, I can’t remember which. It’s not perfect but it does the job in a crunch.

  3. #13
    Guild Member
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    Brisbane, Queensland, Australia


    Because my world map is so huge, I'm breaking it down into countries/land masses. This is Junar and all I have for it is the coastline sorted, the capital city location (the red dot) but no name for it yet and one feature called the Wadara Jungle so far. That's because my story needed a jungle to harvest the blathah vine. Here is what I have on that vine so far:

    The blathah vine is a long narrow vine that is poisonous if cut from the living plant; it can grow up to an average of 30 metres. The longest recorded vine was 73 metres long. If harvested off the ground after the plant sheds it and allowed to dry out thoroughly, it is no longer toxic and makes for excellent braiding and weaving material. When dried, its brown skin shimmers iridescently in sunlight. If the skin of the vine is scoured before braiding or weaving, it removes that shimmer permanently but does not compromise its strength. Braiding makes for exceptionally strong rope. To harvest the blathah vine, the local junari visit the area every late autumn to see if the main plant has shed any vines. Not all rotations provide a successful harvest. The longest time without a fruitful harvest is eleven rotations. Upon harvesting, it should never be soaked as that will reactivate the poison and ruin the shimmer. Despite redrying will neutralise the poison again, the iridescent sheen will not return and the vine loses some of its tensile strength, making it useless as rope. The blathah vine can only be found in the Wadara Jungle in central north Junar, north of the equator, and nowhere else in the world. Combined with the infrequent shedding to the ground, makes the vine rare and highly desirable. All transplants to other locations, even in Junar, have failed. At last count, there are only five plants in the region. When finely worked, the vine can be worn like jewellery or clothing accessories.

    And now for the map of Junar.

    ### Latest WIP ###

  4. #14
    Guild Member
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    Sep 2018
    Brisbane, Queensland, Australia


    Due last month's writing session in NaNoWriMo, I'm able to add a bit of detail to Junar as my characters led me around the countryside.

    Please note, nothing is to scale here. 1 pixel = 1 km.

    ### Latest WIP ###

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