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Thread: A quick 'Atlas Awards' reminder as 2019 draws to a close...

  1. #11
    Guild Master Falconius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J.Edward View Post
    One thing I wanted to point out, if people nominate numerous maps from one person in one category, it almost assures that that person will not win in that category.
    The votes get spread thin. Just somethign to think about.
    Why not just limit the entries to one per person per category? If there are more than two nominations just take the first suggestion. Or alternatively take whichever map was made last (of the suggestions).

  2. #12
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Falconius View Post
    Why not just limit the entries to one per person per category? If there are more than two nominations just take the first suggestion. Or alternatively take whichever map was made last (of the suggestions).
    Got to admit, I'm not keen on this idea at all. Are we nominating/voting for maps, or are we voting for the artist? I've always felt it was the maps first and foremast, and each map is its own thing, to be judged individually. I also don't want the awards to turn into a popularity contest among Guild artists (which is why we don't have a 'best artist' category. It's always been about the maps.)

    I get that it must suck to see votes spread over various pieces, knowing that if they were combined, you'd have won, but democracy is two lions and a lamb deciding what to have for dinner (to coin an old phrase). After all, what's the alternative? Imagine a scenario where someone gets in early with their nomination, except the map they choose isn't the artist's favourite and the one they feel has the best chance of winning. Now the artist is stuck with something that isn't (in their opinion) their best work. Do we potentially have a situation where someone might be told, sorry, your nomination is wrong, can you delete it? I'm not going down that road. That's just a minefield of grievances.
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  3. #13
    Professional Artist ThomasR's Avatar
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    I agree with CP. We vote for a map, not an artist (we all know John would win ) plus, I feel being nominated is already pretty awesome, the rest is part of the game. And I love the quote

  4. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by J.Edward
    One thing I wanted to point out, if people nominate numerous maps from one person in one category, it almost assures that that person will not win in that category.The votes get spread thin. Just somethign to think about.
    Quote Originally Posted by Falconius View Post
    Why not just limit the entries to one per person per category? If there are more than two nominations just take the first suggestion. Or alternatively take whichever map was made last (of the suggestions).
    Quote Originally Posted by ChickPea
    Got to admit, I'm not keen on this idea at all. Are we nominating/voting for maps, or are we voting for the artist? I've always felt it was the maps first and foremast, and each map is its own thing, to be judged individually. I also don't want the awards to turn into a popularity contest among Guild artists (which is why we don't have a 'best artist' category. It's always been about the maps.)
    I understand both sides, Those are valid points and probably the only thing to solve that would be to make a voting within a vote in a category if there is more then one map from one artist. We would vote/choose only one among several nominations and inlude it in the final category entry. That being said, it's probably too much of a hassle to implement.

    Quote Originally Posted by Redrobes
    If you feel that were short of CL's then it could be a time to appoint one or two more.
    I vote for Thom . I would cast my vote for Mouse also, but unfortunately, she is not so active anymore
    Last edited by Voolf; 12-20-2019 at 06:02 AM.
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  5. #15
    Professional Artist SteffenBrand's Avatar
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    You could admit more than one map by an artist if people are allowed more than one vote on each category, or am I missing something? This way, people don't have to split their vote if they like multiples, even by one artist.
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  6. #16
    Guild Master Falconius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteffenBrand View Post
    You could admit more than one map by an artist if people are allowed more than one vote on each category, or am I missing something? This way, people don't have to split their vote if they like multiples, even by one artist.
    That's true. And also true to the regular method of voting on the guild. As far as I understand it was limited to one vote by the vote being located on a third party site.

    I understand the reason for this was that perhaps it was easier to locate to vote off site due to the logistics of having multiple categories, where if it was on the guild each category would require a thread.

  7. #17
    Professional Artist ThomasR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Voolf View Post
    I vote for Thom . I would cast my vote for Mouse also, but unfortunately, she is not so active anymore
    I'd gladly step up and give back to the community, unfortunately, a regular job, the mapping job growing, a 3 yo and a baby coming up in February would make the Guild take a far back seat. It's not the right moment for me

  8. #18


    I do understand this issue, but I mostly agree with ChickPea's view on that matter.
    The most important thing is to nominate the map you really think it's the best, and nothing else, even if we may be tempted some time to nominate a map by kindness or courtesy (which is more in the guild spirit than strategic moves, I believe, not saying than there are any, though).

    Like Thomas, I'm already happy when I see one of my map nominated. It's surely satisfying and I really like that award because I value the guild and the competitors here, but... it's not an achievement nor a goal for me, to be honest.
    But that's me. And I would certainly regret that some people may be tempted to post only what they think is there best map of a category at the guild just for this.

    On a different matter, I'm a bit less on the guild, but I definitely can help for this if needed.

  9. #19
    Community Leader Kellerica's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redrobes View Post
    If you feel that were short of CL's then it could be a time to appoint one or two more.
    How much of tech savvy does one need to be in order to be useful? I'd love to step up if you'll have me, but I'm not sure I have the skills needed... I know I don't post that much, but I do usually check the forum out multiple times a day anyway.
    Last edited by Kellerica; 12-20-2019 at 10:52 AM.
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  10. #20


    I didn't mean to start up a controversy.
    I just thought maybe Guild members on their own, without a rule prodding them, might just do it.
    But, whatever. No worries.

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