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Thread: A map for a pen and paper RPG in progress : looking for help or benefit

  1. #11
    Professional Artist Guild Donor Sapiento's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Salzburg, Austria


    Hi Viandor,

    Sounds interesting.
    You can find my work by clicking the links below in the signature.

  2. #12


    I am not sure if you found anyone to work on your project. I see a lot of people have offered their services, but most people charge for their time. Since you have no deadline to speak of, I would be happy to help you for free, though it'll have to be when I have free time and may take longer than the other people who have offered. Feel free to just reply in this post or use my email at the end of this message. You mentioned MistyBeee, so I assume you are looking for something like what she draws. I have not made such a drawing before, but I feel confident I would be able to get something similar. If you had another map style in mind, just send me a few images (or links) to reference and I can make sure it meets your approval.

    The final consideration is licensing. I would like to upload progress and the finished product here as a sample (though I can call it something different if you like to avoid your players being able to find it). I hope my American English is understandable enough, as I know we have many idiosyncrasies that are not present in European English. I'll also admit that I have an interest in learning French, and would enjoy a pen-pal to practice with, though I am at the very begging of learning.

    alchemical.rogue [at]

  3. #13


    Thank you very much, all of you, for your replies. This community is amazing !
    At this stage, i've decided to pause the maps jobs, because it's too early to estimate my project's financials.
    So, i'll be back later with a better financial vision.
    Meantime, i'll be happy to work with roguecartographer :-)

  4. #14


    Feel free to email me by clicking on my name and selecting email to setup the details. I will check it tonight and we can start working on details to at least have something for you to work forward from with a paid service if nothing else

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