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Thread: April 2020 Challenge: Trading Town of Winterrise

  1. #11
    Guild Journeyer
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    Apr 2020


    i find it nice, even on the small image : we clearly see the town ,the fields. The colors look good too.

  2. #12
    Guild Journeyer Guild Sponsor
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    New England


    awesome! thanks very much for the feedback, i find its helping a lot and i really appreciate that!

  3. #13
    Guild Journeyer Guild Sponsor
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    New England


    I've worked a bit more on making the outside farms more 'realistic' (i guess you could say, to scale at least) as well as adding in some farm houses.
    The empty spaces within the fields are cattle pastures/ranches.

    Could i get any second opinions - do the new outside farms actually look better than the old ones?
    The old ones are certainly more visible than these new ones and look better (i think?), but the new ones better match the rest of the map i think...i'm rather unsure myself which one i like better...though with the time spent i think i like the new version. Rather biased opinion there though

    Since this is clearly a port town, I am hoping to add more docks before adding the labels.

    Thank you for the feedback thus far!

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  4. #14
    Guild Journeyer Guild Sponsor
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    New England


    And added some more work onto the ports

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  5. #15
    Guild Expert rdanhenry's Avatar
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    I think you've made a lot of improvement and the latest version is looking good. Are you planning on putting a lot of information where you have all that water, though? If not, I suggest something be done to make it more interesting, even if just add a few ship or giant fish.

    Trees inside the walls will be there if there is good reason for them to there. Could be "Druids and Rangers provide services in exchange for the right to take bloody vengeance on anyone messing with their sacred groves here". Could be "the trees make good inconspicuous lookout points for our watchmen" and the Watch protects the trees. Could be "there's actually a few dryads and ents in there, leave them be". Could be "the lichen that grows on these particular trees is a valuable trade good and it sells for enough to make even the price of city land untempting". It doesn't matter what the reason is, but you should have one for why people haven't taken the free wood (well, free to anyone with an axe or saw and bit of time) or the land cleared to put it to more profitable use. Oh, could be elves, fairies, and squirrel-people living in the trees and paying rent. Could have been a requirement in the city's charter because the king at the time liked trees. Anyway, there's plenty of ways to justify it.

  6. #16
    Guild Journeyer Guild Sponsor
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    Thank you for the feedback and all the cool ideas!
    And yes - i plan on using the water area to place a key. I'm not sure how big it'll end up being, but also a great idea with the ships and fish if its still looking a bit bland.
    I really appreciate your input - Thanks!!

  7. #17
    Guild Journeyer
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    Apr 2020


    very good job, a very good improvement. I confess i'm not attracted at first glance with frank colors on maps, but it works very well!

  8. #18
    Guild Journeyer Bretton's Avatar
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    I specially like how you've handled the forest. I'd be very happy if you could tell us ho you've come to the results.
    Great improvement in general!

  9. #19
    Guild Journeyer Guild Sponsor
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    Thank you!! I'm not sure exactly what you mean by come to the result, but I will answer my best and let me know if i just completely misunderstood.
    As far as how the forest itself looks, I've just a custom brush from a few grunge textures with a 50/50 dark/light green color dynamic setting (in Photoshop). I've also set the brush to an angle jitter, so it doesn't always 'stamp' on the same direction.
    On this layer itself i've thrown just a stroke and shadow underneath to give that tall trees/forest impression.
    I then just throw another light layer of a different(but similar) brush on top with the same colors, but use the lighter color more here. I feel like this just rather 'completes' the look, as if just a few of the trees are taller/catching more sunlight.

    Regarding the layout itself, my town has big sections of (what we just call woods) randomly around. We have a lot of hunters/foragers, and farm-folk here so it seemed likely in this wold there was a good connection with the land, and they would utilize this to sell/use these resources. I've not yet settled on exactly what the main inside forest use is, but it will be a mix between a deal with the forest folk, and the valuable resources from these woods. Additionally, i could not really justify some of the layout of the farms if they had just continued from end to end. It looked wrong and just didn't make sense, so I added the forest into the inside walls.
    As far as the outside forest setup, I was going for the classic 'farms close to the walls, incase there are problems' - i know, super original

  10. #20
    Guild Journeyer Guild Sponsor
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    New England


    I've started working on the labels for the map, though i am sure i will find a few on-map items to return to.

    I've tried to point out a few of the popular areas in town Vs trying to cram a bunch of information in.
    I plan on renaming a few of these, as well as re-doing the key font because i think it is a bit too bright and it does not sit with me quiet yet
    I believe the bottom building key is a bit small in the text, but i think i will also add the public garden and a beach key point on this as well and will try and see if I can make it a bit more readable then.
    I also plan on adding a compass, no clue on the style yet though.

    I have a few thing to still work on here, but feedback and critique is very welcomed

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