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Thread: living on the back of a turtle: Shaxzis!

  1. #11
    Guild Master Josiah VE's Avatar
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    This is already gorgeous, and a brilliant idea. I'm curious what your process is for shading those mountains, because they look amazing!

    I offer map commissions for RPG's, world-building, and books

  2. #12
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Caenwyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Josiah VE View Post
    This is already gorgeous, and a brilliant idea. I'm curious what your process is for shading those mountains, because they look amazing!
    Thanks Josiah! The process is in principle quite simple, albeit laborious in execution:
    1. I first drew a whole bunch of ridge lines and thalwegs (first primary ridges and thalwegs, then secondary ones meandering away from the primaries, then tertiary ones etc.).
      • If you do this, keep in mind that primary ridges never meet at right angles. In places where they're close together, they're usually parallel, although secondary ridges from both might almost meet. In this particular map I sort of violated that rule because the client needed a massive wall in the north, shielding inhabitants from any waves caused by the turtle's movement through the water. So I drew one primary ridge going from east to west, and all of the others going north to south, but touching the first in the north.

    2. I then used this as a basis for my shading: dark splotches on the shadow side of each ridge, which I then smudged out all the way to the nearest thalweg, and white splotches on the lighted side of the ridge, smudged out to the nearest thalweg to that.
      • Also, shading is best done in stages too: first a layer with just the shading of the primary ridges, then a second layer on top with shading for the secondary ridges and so on. And take your time to select the right smudge brush. The texture of your map depends heavily on the choice of brush.

    I'm using the term "thalweg" (the line connecting the points of lowest elevation within a valley) since my client specifically asked for no rivers in most of them. It's basically where rivers would be if it weren't for extreme circumstances such as karst landscapes (where the soil is so permeable that all water basically drains into the ground instead of forming rivers), arid climates (where there isn't enough water in the first place) and magic™ .

    Does that answer your question? If not, yell!
    Last edited by Caenwyr; 11-10-2020 at 04:47 AM.

  3. #13
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Caenwyr's Avatar
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    Also, here's another update, focused on water bodies this time! I also added some secondaries coming of the Bulwark (the frontal ridge) on the central plateau. Nothing spectacular in the shading department.

    Shaxzis (10a).jpg

    The idea is for the client to use this map as a basis for their own world development, so there won't be any settlements and very little (if any) labelling. My next update(s) will be all about vegetation: forests, grassland, dryland etc. Stay tuned!
    Caenwyr Cartography

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  4. #14
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Caenwyr's Avatar
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    Alright, vegetation!!

    Shaxzis (11a).jpg

    There's now a distinct green glow to the farmlands, and a grey tinge to the mountains. But the most obvious change will be the trees: thousands of them! Most of them are concentrated in a handful of dense forests, but I also sprinkled some in most valleys, and a handful throughout the farmland region to have some variation there too. Thought?
    Caenwyr Cartography

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  5. #15
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Caenwyr's Avatar
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    Okay, and here's the detailing for the empty spot in the center!

    Shaxzis (12a).jpg
    Caenwyr Cartography

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  6. #16
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Caenwyr's Avatar
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    And this is where this map bifurcates (unlike rivers, which almost never do that lol!). I am creating a no-labels, no-settlements version for my client, but I'm also gonna create (with their approval) a version that does have them, so I can publish a more "complete-looking" on my portfolios.

    This one shows the settlements as a bunch of teeny-tiny terracotta roofs. I'll also add a frame and a title box, and all of the labels are gonna be mine too. So this is gonna be some sort of sanctioned bootleg version

    Shaxzis (13c).jpg

    Thoughts, remarks?
    Caenwyr Cartography

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