Much appreciated, and thanks!
Your thread has been moved to the recycling bin. No wait, to the dungeon forum.
Anyway, the water in the last map looks incredibly beautiful!
Check out my City Designer 3 tutorials. See my fantasy (city) maps in this thread.
Gandwarf has fallen into shadow...
Much appreciated, and thanks!
And snagged!
I needed something for this sunday night to introduce a new party member and get things rolling in the capital, since they've never been there before and I want things to be exciting.
6th level. 4th edition. I'm thinking a vampire lord with a cult of lizardmen and the occassional humanoid thrall other.
If I have time before I leave work, in seven and a half hours, I'm going to try to convert it legibly to gray scale and split it up into mini section that fit on standard printer paper (if you don't mind). If I am successful, I'll post the new maps here.
Edit: Quick question. As intended, how are the water ways connected, if at all? The way I am reading these if each of the three maps are on different vertical planes with map one being on the ground floor and 2 being below it, and three under 2. I recognize from the placement of the stairs that they're not right over each other. But does the river suddenly dip between 1 and 2 an they're the same? Are the spiral staircases really long and these levels are pretty far from each other?
Last edited by Scorpius; 08-14-2009 at 01:49 PM.
As I much as I wanted it to, this did not work out for me in time. I still intend to use this on Sunday, just will have to draw it out on the erasable map like always.
I couldn't get the contrast rite when I converted to grayscale. It became very difficult to see the the grid. As each of the three maps would be 20 pages each at size, I didn't have the heart to print in color.
However I did find a handy site that takes images you have and makes them into large pdfs so you can print on multiple pages.
I am now convinced that if I made a large dungeon map, with this as my intention, I could easily make the scheme more clear for B&W Printing. In fact I think I could have converted this with more time.
Of course I wouldn't mind! I post these things with the hopes that someone can put them to some use.
Sorry the conversion/printing didn't work out for you, I would've liked to have seen your end results. Still, hope you get some good use out of the maps.
You're looking at the maps right, from what you say. Three descending levels, the water from 1 - 2 intended to be connected by a small waterfall at the northern end of the short 2nd level stream. The 3rd level river being fed by the second level stream and maybe a few others to account for the volume and current.
I bring mixed news!
My child was sick on Sunday (She's fine now) so I didn't go to DnD. Which means I have time to convert the map.
Here's the black and white version. The jpg is the overhead. The pdf is a page by page print out.
Only level one's done for now. It's not nearly as pretty as the original and I heavily recommend anyone who uses it, to keep the color version for yourself.
Much thanks to RobA's Dungeon Maker script.
My tutorials: Using GIMP to Create an Artistic Regional Map ~ All My Tutorials
My GIMP Scripts: Rotating Brush ~ Gradient from Image ~ Mosaic Tile Helper ~ Random Density Map ~ Subterranean Map Prettier ~ Tapered Stroke Path ~ Random Rotate Floating Layer ~ Batch Image to Pattern ~ Better Seamless Tiles ~ Tile Shuffle ~ Scale Pattern ~ Grid of Guides ~ Fractalize path ~ Label Points
My Maps: Finished Maps ~ Challenge Entries ~ My Portfolio:
And now level 2. I think this level came out better.
Please note, as this image will be seen by players, the following is intentionally missing: Numbers, secret doors, and traps.
That being said, it's pretty obvious where the secret doors are. I recommend liberal use of cover paper.
And the third layer. I kept more of the original art this time. Enjoy. Now I just need to finish the adventure for the map. . .
Well done, Scorpius!