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Thread: Old Japan Photos

  1. #11

    Post I haven't dreamed that yet :P

    I haven't dreamed that yet!

    Actually, I think the sorcerer has to reverse the ritual, or be killed under special circumstances I think, I haven't decided yet. Just was inspired by a dream and developed the start. I haven't figured out the cure yet.


    PS: and the Broom & Basket Peddler is known as the "Dream Sweeper".
    Last edited by Gamerprinter; 09-18-2009 at 11:58 AM.
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  2. #12


    An alternative of using the broom to sweep dreams might be for it to sweep up 'leftover spells' or some other metaphysical matter, or maybe dreams and spells.

    When I saw 'Anjin' it took me back to James Clavell's Shogun in which the European sailor was called 'Anjin-san' by the japanese who found him.

  3. #13

    Post Yeah...

    Yeah, though Anjin literally means a ship's pilot (captain), that's where the idea for Anjin the pilot came from - ole Richard Chamberlain as "Anjin-san" in the movie version of Shogun. I hate to think as a Japanese American the idea came from a movie, rather than my knowledge of Japanese. Oh well!


    PS: maybe the dream sweeper can up "curses" as well, that would be pretty powerful magic.
    Last edited by Gamerprinter; 09-18-2009 at 02:48 PM.
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  4. #14
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    I like the "Dream Sweeper" aspect...that's got a nice "feel" to it.

    Sounds like the title to a song..err no wait that's "Dream Weaver"
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  5. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Gamerprinter View Post
    Yeah, though Anjin literally means a ship's pilot (captain), that's where the idea for Anjin the pilot came from - ole Richard Chamberlain as "Anjin-san" in the movie version of Shogun. I hate to think as a Japanese American the idea came from a movie, rather than my knowledge of Japanese. Oh well!


    PS: maybe the dream sweeper can up "curses" as well, that would be pretty powerful magic. the book, it's got miles more information than the film.

  6. #16

    Post I should, but...

    I should, but I've also got many other resources on Japan than Clavell's novel. I know one thing, the Japanese hated that book, mostly due to all the "creative license" used instead of following actual history.

    The English sea captain who shipwrecked off Japan, found by fisherman and eventually adopted into Japan under Oda Nobunaga is a true story. Yet Clavell named the Shogun, Toronaga instead of Nobunaga, plus a bunch of other small literary details. The Japanese felt, why make up names when the story is true and why change the history when the true history is more than plenty interesting. The Japanese would rather see a complete fiction, than the truth made into fiction. These thoughts were noted by my mother, and so I never took the time to read Shogun by James Clavell for this reason, perhaps I should do so anyway.

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  7. #17


    Yes indeed. I've read a more historical account too - Samurai William by Giles Milton - so if you're after a more authentic version read that one - much shorter too!

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