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Thread: March Entry: Snow Country

  1. #11


    Not sure why that would be. I created roofs in 3D and and placed them all at the same height and level as all the other roofs. I hand-drew the rest of the buildings but followed the perspective of the roofs. So I can't say why it might look off?? I know the 3D is correct...

    The torii gate is just hand-rendered in without reference, that could be off...

    Last edited by Gamerprinter; 03-04-2010 at 07:51 PM.
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  2. #12
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    I noticed that you'd done the rough in a 3D package, which is why I thought it was particularly odd about the shrine. Most likely it's just me.

  3. #13
    Community Leader Immolate's Avatar
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    The left side of the temple gutter line is closer to vertical than the right side, which isn't how it works. Both gutter lines should theoretically converge at the vanishing point. The eye picks up on the fact that these two parallel lines actually diverge and it looks... wrong.
    My Deviant Art Map Gallery

  4. #14


    I'll fix it, but true isometric doesn't have perspective - only implied angles. So it must be how I drew the building beneath the roof to imply perspective which isn't supposed to be how it was drawn. Lazy hand, I guess.

    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
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  5. #15

    Default Checking size, fix shrine, etc.

    I fixed the shrine, added trees, and more rice fields.

    I wanted to see what it looked like at print scale, plus I added some labels, more to get an idea how much room I had to place insets and such. The inset for the regional is a bit small, but I'm not going to move the temple. I tried placing it in different corners, but the top right was still best. Still need to add the bridge and finish the details in the top left and bottom right corners. Plus arrowed labels pointing to the caves and the mountain.


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  6. #16
    Guild Member TheMarcus7's Avatar
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    Looks awesome! That said, the scale on the shrine seems to be off by just a bit. seems a bit large. Mebbe its just me.

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  7. #17

    Default There is a goof here...

    Actually the size of the structure is correct, but there is a goof here. That is a Buddhist Temple depicted, when its supposed to be a Shinto Stone Gate, like my Agoyal Shrine map for Kaidan. I've mixed religions here. The Torii Gate out front is correct, but Shinto Shrines rarely have buildings of any kind, other than a Torii and a Stone Gate, otherwise natural surroundings, so I will leave in the trees and the stone in back. I will be pull the temple out tomorrow.

    Added a cemetery and the tannery. Getting there - thanks for the C&C everyone!


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  8. #18


    This map is starting to look good but needs more work still. There appears to be a vertical fault in there, above the map lable (up from the 'U' and 'M' in the title) that looks as though the map was pieced together from parts that didn't quite align properly. It's visible as a white line that crosses two houses, one of which has it's shape distorted by this seam.

    Speaking of houses, are the three flat-roofed houses WIPs? There seems to be snow accumulated on one of these roofs, which wouldn't make sense if you were planning to add thatching.

    EDIT: Put up a new version while I was posting The seam is less visible in this new version but still there.
    Last edited by Ghostman; 03-05-2010 at 06:33 AM.

  9. #19
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Steel General's Avatar
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    Not to be overly picky - but I will be ... the shadow for the fence above the round rice paddie? looks incorrect. All other shadows are more to the ENE and the fence shadow is pointing almost directly south.

    But otherwise this is coming along quite nicely.
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  10. #20

    Default Fixed and added things

    @ Ghostman - I rescanned those two buildings as one piece and replaced the bad ones.

    @ SG - fixed the shadow on that fence.

    Finally added the bridge, replaced the Temple with a proper Shinto Stone Gate.

    Fixed some of the layer issues. Now I have to fill out the two corners and the inset... almost done!


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