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Thread: Guildcity - Tell me your preference for Section number

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  1. #1


    LOL! I feel a bit... ummm.... greedy?... er... selfish?

    Its only because I'm using software designed to make cities that I'm so far ahead of the rest of you.

    I thought it would be very rude of me to just carry on regardless without asking the rest of the team first

  2. #2


    It's not Mouse. Plus, some people have sections that are already at twice the size of your first section.
    Don't worry about it. Falconius is right - we do want to get the whole city mapped at the end of it all.

  3. #3


    Thank you John

    I'm going to put Atlas Ward up on the Finished Maps thread in the next hour (as well as at the end of the WIP for Red to use).

    Maybe with one of the sections completed and presented in the main forum we might just attract a few more mappers to the project.

    If no one takes 15 in the next 48 hours, though, I'd like to claim it myself

  4. #4


    Do you want the whole big 15+ [with the upgrade] ?

    Might be nice to see what you'd do with a big section that's both inside and outside the wall.
    If you want to do that just let me know and I'll get you a section with those combined.

  5. #5


    I'm sitting here with a huge grin on my face!

    If no one grabs it in the next 2 days, then yes please!

  6. #6
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    When we did the CWBP with Ansium I had to do about 4 of the tiles with an autogenerated script at the end just to get them filled in as the project stalled with nobody taking them. I think its better that somebody takes them now rather than waiting till the end and finding nobody does. So my vote would be that if you finish a section then I would be dead keen to see someone take on another.

    If people want to map something in it then there are a huge number of buildings to get done and no end of other miscellaneous things like sewers, caves, dungeon sections way beneath the ground or whatever that could be pulled into service. I really dont think we would end up with a lack of space to use.

  7. #7
    Guild Master Falconius's Avatar
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    Jul 2013


    I think what everyone is saying Mouse is, just take 15 right now and enjoy yourself.

  8. #8


    I don't mind if there is someone who doesn't want to do a whole city section but feels like they want to map specific buildings/the underground in Atlas Ward

    EDIT: Well Ninjad Falconius

    I'm already dreaming about it - don't you worry

  9. #9


    Well Mouse, here is is whenever you decide to accept that we're all okay with you doing section 15
    Section 15 Plus [upgraded].jpg
    It's a big section so have fun with it. Go nuts.

  10. #10


    Thank you John

    I can make the map in one big segment no problem, but I'm limited by the upload file size. To get around any possible low res issues if I did it that way I will map it as one CC3+ file, but upload it as two separate renders - east and west. I'll also stick to the old join line so that Red can stick them back together again without any trouble.

    Only got one question...

    I can see the word plateau very faintly there, but a little further north it says 'ridge'. I'm not entirely sure I'm getting the true nature of the topography right in my mind's eye. Am I looking at a series of steep scarps and cliffs terracing down towards the water, or is it a series of ridges sitting on a slightly inclined slope?

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