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Thread: WIP : Haerlech

  1. #231


    Quote Originally Posted by Eld View Post
    Although the others gave you all the praise you deserve for this gracious work, I want to add my own.
    This map is inspiring and wonderful, especially the detailed countryside as well as the seaside add much to the vividness. To see the several stages of the work was instructive and increases my awe for your hard work. Though I love that style, I won't use it for my own projects as I'm sure that I lack the skills needed for it. Can't wait for the labelling.

    As for your doubts about the terracotta style of the roofs: I think they're perfectly right for the average houses. Maybe some of the special buildings would look great with some kind of bronze roofing. It'd give them the highlighting they deserve.

    I'm also a great fan of your ship depictions. Never thought that they could be drawn in that perspective looking so well.
    Thanks Eld I'm not sure if I would edit any of the map at this point, but it's possible. Lingon made some suggestions too. I do like the idea of some of the special buildings changing some, but I wouldn't be thrilled about more work. We'll see. I appreciate that about the ships. They took more work than I thought they would.
    I am still working on the overall layout for doing the labeling. I've done about 7 or 8 different layouts and I'm not thrilled with any of them, which is why I haven't posted that yet.
    Once I have that layout determined I'll start labeling and hopefully have an update to post.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sharpsmile View Post
    Excellent work JE. I really admire your dedication, also I love the line work on the hillsides, so good! I am not sure if it came up, but did you pen tool all of the buildings, or were they free hand, or a combo of both?
    Thanks Sharpie Glad you're back.
    All the buildings are hand drawn. I do that because I can do it probably faster than I can work the pen tool, as well as for the more rough and organic shapes I can produce.
    Not to mention that I always do curved roads and such which seems easier for me to just hand draw them. It still takes a lot of time though.
    I thought about trying to make some premade elements to use. I'm just not good with using elements. Somehow they're never what I need, even when I make them myself.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tom View Post
    I thought I had already commented, but I didn't!! my bad..
    This map goes beyond awesome! the effort you put into it is great, is so full of tiny details!
    The roofs, the ships, the fields.. I love the bright colors, and the way you painted the vegetation is incredible!! I have never drawn a top-down map like this, but you inspired me to do!
    I don't know what else to say, except a big BRAVO!
    Thanks a lot Tom. This map represents the most work I've ever put into any single map. Probably any single piece of work period.
    Always nice to hear that it inspires. I'll have to watch out for your top down map. Should be good.

    As I said to Eld, I am trying to nail down the overall layout so I can move on to the labeling.
    It's frustrating to not be able to get that set. I think it has to do with how much I have invested in this map.
    Some layouts would have been ok were it on another less detailed map.
    But just know that I am actively working on this. Hopefully there will be an update soon.
    Last edited by J.Edward; 03-30-2016 at 02:44 PM.

  2. #232


    I'm excited - it looks like I am a few hours away from completing this tired old beast!!!
    All I have left to do is the place names. You have no idea how much I want this map done.
    I'm desperately trying to get it done today.
    Obviously I'll post when it's done.

  3. #233

  4. #234
    Guild Master Josiah VE's Avatar
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    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


    Yay!!! Can't wait to see it! "87 years in the making and still not finished!"

    Hey Max, I see you have exactly 4,000 posts! Congrats
    Last edited by Josiah VE; 04-09-2016 at 07:15 PM.

    I offer map commissions for RPG's, world-building, and books

  5. #235


    Nice catch Josaih
    Well... darn. I can not find my list of location names.
    This is going to take longer than I thought. Hopefully not longer than tonight though.

  6. #236
    Guild Master Chashio's Avatar
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    Maine, USA


    Good luck on the home stretch.
    Kaitlin Gray - Art, Maps, Etc | Patreon | Instagram

  7. #237


    I'm on that last stretch. I couldn't find my list of names, so I've been having to come up with names all over again.
    Then I had to name all the roads and alleys - which there are a lot.
    Maybe if I'm lucky I can muddle through and complete it today -but just saying that means it probably won't happen.
    Any ways.. here's something... me scribbling down names for things. Yes, this is how I do it.
    Haerlech layout test 02c_06--test2 crop.jpg

    Oh, I tried to take Lingon's advice and add darker shadows - I think that was the advice.
    I didn't get to doing any more unique roofs. Maybe in another life, or another iteration of this map.

  8. #238
    Guild Master Chashio's Avatar
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    Maine, USA


    Ouch. But at least you enjoy naming things, eh?
    That is a very neat way of laying them out. I may adopt that.

    The shading is wonderful, by the way. Truly an impressive piece.
    Kaitlin Gray - Art, Maps, Etc | Patreon | Instagram

  9. #239


    It has proved reasonably effective so far.
    I used to number every location - then write all the names down in a notebook.
    And then... lose the notebook
    This will definitely mitigate that problem.
    I adopted this a little while after the challenge, and after having written down all the names.
    I'm good at bad timing.

  10. #240
    Guild Artisan Clercon's Avatar
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    Eslöv, Sweden


    Fantastic! I love all the details.
    My finished maps

    Mapping Worlds (My blog about mapping)

    Imaginary maps (My facbook page devoted to mapping)

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