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Thread: October 2007 Entry: Greenstone Monastery

  1. #21
    Guild Member Amonite's Avatar
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    I love this map, its very atmospheric ^.^ I actually liked the old tile better though, even if it was kind of bathroom-esque...the new tile reminds me of a kitchen floor. Maybe try out a mosaic type pattern (not an actual mosaic...but more randomized, smaller mosaic fitting tiles)

    Anyways, this map is very pretty in a death scene sort of way

  2. #22
    Community Leader pyrandon's Avatar
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    I think Amonite may be onto something, Torq: the mosaic tile may eliminate the "bathroom" feel by taking care of what I think is the true issue: the squares are far too large for the scale of the monastery. I would at least halve the size (if not more!).

    Also, would the builders spend the time putting patterns below the pews? Maybe instead place an inset tile border along the edges of the pew areas? (Actually a true Orthodox monastery would have no pews but (perhaps) along the walls--but I realize we're fictionalizing here.)

    Two other suggestions: 1) the stained glass windows are in deep perspective, but the walls are not; thus the illusion is broken. I'd make the walls also deep 3D or eliminate the perspective on the windows. 2) the dead body is cheesy & cartoony IMO; I'd get rid of it or make it more lifelike.

    Just some ideas to help; overall looking great. I absolutely love the mood you've created! Keep it up!
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  3. #23
    Community Leader Torq's Avatar
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    Thanks all for the advice and comments. Looks like it will be back to the drawing board for the monastery. In the meantime I have been working on this simple regional map to go with it.

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    Software Used: Terranoise, Wilbur, Terragen, The Gimp, Inkscape, Mojoworld

  4. #24


    Simply superb! I love that texture you've used that the monastery is sitting on with its faint hint of contour lines. Any chance you could post the texture up in the Reference Materials section?

    p.s. - I really like the dead body! It gives the scene a story context (sorry Don!).

  5. #25
    Community Leader Torq's Avatar
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    Thanks Ravs. The contour lines are created using Gimp's bump map feature. I have an app called Mojoworld that generates planet surfaces. I then lokk for a part of the planet that I like and export two files, one is the texture and the other is a grayscale bump map. I apply them together in Gimp which allows you to adjust the strength of the bump. When the strength is sent up fairly high the contours become visible.

    I could make a few textures like this and put then in the reference section.

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    Software Used: Terranoise, Wilbur, Terragen, The Gimp, Inkscape, Mojoworld

  6. #26
    Community Leader RPMiller's Avatar
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    I have to agree with Ravs. That is a superb regional map and the contours and "depth" are wonderful.
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  7. #27


    Yup. Torq is wasted in the law! Torq, if you post up some largish squares (2048 ) of the textures with bump I can have a go at making them seamless unless you'd like to do that too!

    Ah just spotted your tutorial - thanks a million.

    Watch us ruffle Percy's hair on Saturday - I'm so excited. Whatever the score, I hope it's a close and exciting game!

  8. #28


    Nice job!-

    I'm going have to steak that texture/technique!

    -Rob A>

  9. #29
    Community Leader Torq's Avatar
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    Ravs, I dont want to threadjack, but Percy's hair is never ruffled. Never, end of story. I also hope its a great game that isn't ruined by either teams' tactics .
    The internet! It\'ll never catch on.

    Software Used: Terranoise, Wilbur, Terragen, The Gimp, Inkscape, Mojoworld

  10. #30


    Well played SA. Those silly penalties cost us in the end...but I still thought that SA were the better team. Congrats! May the Rainbow Nation celebrate long through the night!

    p.s. It was a try...although it made no difference.

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